Using the ucm’s web site – Blue Sky UCM User Manual
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Blue Sky Energy – Universal Communication Module
This typically requires that you go to the routers DCHP status or setup page to see the IP Addresses that the router has assigned to
computers or other devices on your LAN via DCHP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). IP Addresses are four numbers separated by periods
and may be something like where xxx must be different for each device on your LAN. DCHP typically increments the xxx portion of
the IP Addresses it assigns so that complete IP Addresses for devices presently on your LAN in this example may be , ,, etc. A common requirement among routers is that all IP Addresses must have the same first three number segments. You should
therefore set the UCM’s IP Address on the UCM Setup page to the same first three number segments set by the router for other addresses, and
the fourth number segment must within the IP Address range the router can assign via DCHP and be different than all others assigned by DCHP.
A complete UCM IP Address in this example may be The final step is to reserve the UCM’s new IP Address in the router for
exclusive use by the UCM by entering the UCM’s new IP Address (and MAC ID if necessary) into the routers DCHP Reservation List.
Once UCM communication via your LAN and router is successful, communication with the UCM over the internet is possible. Access over the Internet is
essentially accomplished by opening Port on the router to allow computers on the Internet to access the UCM through a process referred to as Port Forwarding.
1) Connect UCM to router
Connect UCM to router and configure UCM and router for UCM communication across the LAN.
Connecting to the UCM across the Internet is not possible unless the UCM and router are properly configured to allow UCM
access by other computers on the LAN. Confirm UCM web site is accessible by computers on the LAN attached to your router
before proceeding. See UCM CONNECTION USING A ROUTER.
2) Configure Router for Port Forwarding
Port forwarding allows remote computers on the Internet to access a device on your LAN with particular a IP Address, in this case the UCM.
As described in your routers documentation, enable Port Forwarding in the router for the UCM’s IP Address and MAC ID. Some routers may
refer to port forwarding as a Virtual Server or Gaming. Set the Port type or number to HTTP or port 80 (port 80 is the default for an HTTP server).
3) Test Internet Access Using Routers IP Address
The routers IP Address on the Internet (or WAN - Wide Area Network) is not fixed but rather is dynamically assigned by the ISP (Internet
Service Provider) when the router logs onto the ISP’s WAN. Refer to your routers documentation regarding how to determine the present WAN IP
Address assigned to your router by the ISP. This varies by router but is typically available by selecting a WAN Status or Internet Status or similar
button from the routers setup web page to view the WAN IP Address presently assigned to your router by the ISP.
Suppose for example that the ISP assigned your router a WAN IP Address of 76.321.125.30. To access the UCM web site from any
computer on the Internet using Windows Internet Explorer enter the web address in the form;
You should be presented with the UCM’s password logon screen which confirms the UCM is available over the Internet. To logon to the
UCM web site enter the password (default admin) and select Submit and then Enter Remote to get to the UCM’s Top Menu web page.
The WAN IP Address of your router and therefore the IP Address you use to access the UCM over the Internet is not fixed
and may change if the ISP chooses to reassign your routers WAN IP Address. If UCM access via entering the WAN IP Address
stops working, check to see if your router has been assigned a new WAN IP Address by your ISP.
4) Setting Up A Domain Name
While entering the WAN IP Address of your router into a web browser is a suitable method for accessing the UCM over the Internet you may
wish to setup a Domain Name such as to access the UCM. This is done by a process referred to as DNS (Domain Name System).
DNS is like a phone book that translates a domain name ( to an IP Address (76.321.125.31). DNS allows you to enter a domain
name and then be automatically redirected to your routers WAN IP Address and the UCM.
Blue Sky Energy does not provide DNS service (or endorse any particular DNS service), but there are variety of DNS providers both free
and paid. One such DNS service is available at
which provides both free and low cost DNS service. Generally a free service
may have limited DNS features, whereas additional features with a paid service may include keeping track of your routers WAN IP Address it
changes so that your domain name (e.g., will always get you to the UCM. Refer to the DNS service providers setup and use
instructions for assigning and managing a domain name of your choice.
Enter the UCM’s IP Address into your web browser from a direct connect computer or a computer on the LAN. From a remote computer on the internet
enter the WAN IP Address assigned to your router by your ISP, or a user established domain name from a DNS service. You should be presented with UCM
password login page. The UCM can support two separate web site users simultaneously.
WARNING: Avoid using the UCM to enter settings that may lead to unsafe operation of the charging system. Refer to charge
controller and display operators manuals regarding setup and operation of these products. Set battery charge parameters to values
specified by the battery manufacturer.