Instrument description, Operator’s manual – ANKOM TDF Dietary User Manual

Page 7

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Operator’s Manual

Rev E 12/2/14

pg. 7

Instrument Description



Dietary Fiber Analyzer is designed to efficiently, accurately, and precisely recover Insoluble Dietary Fiber

(IDF), Soluble Dietary Fiber (SDF), and Total Dietary Fiber (TDF) residue from food and/or feed samples in accordance with
the AOAC 985.29, AOAC 991.43, AACC 32-07.01, and NMKL 129, 2003 methods.

Contact ANKOM Technology about an upgrade to Total Integrated Dietary Fiber
(AOAC 2009.01 and 2011.25 methods). See the Diagnostics section of this
document for instructions on how to enable these methods.

Enabled by Filter Bag Technology, the instrument can run six digestion and six precipitation processes at the same time. The
filter bags are designed to capture the appropriate fiber particles while allowing all non-fiber components to pass through. The
instrument will use IDF bags and SDF bags when configured to recover IDF and SDF residue. The instrument will use IDF
Flow-Thru bags and SDF bags when configured to recover TDF residue.

The automated fiber recovery is achieved by first digesting samples within bags using enzyme treatments. Depending on the
filter bag configuration, the instrument then collects the IDF and SDF residue using two separate filters, or collects the TDF
residue using one filter. Once captured in the filters the residue is dried, weighed, and corrected for protein and ash content to
determine the IDF, SDF, and/or TDF values.

Digestion, precipitation, rinse (H


O and EtOH), and filter operations are performed by the instrument, eliminating manual

transfer and filtration steps. An on-board computer precisely controls process temperatures, agitation, and fluid delivery along
with digestion, precipitation, and filtration times.

External Components – Front View




Filtrate Cup

(TDF53 - #1 of 6)

Waste Tray

IDF Station (#4 of 6)

SDF Delivery


(#1 of 6)

Clamp Bar A

Clamp Bar B



Hook for SDF Bag

(#2 of 6)

IDF Delivery


(#1 of 6)

Control Panel (TDF17)

Front Cover


Clamp Bar D

Clamp Bar C

SDF Station (#6 of 6)

Heating Paddle (#1 of 6)

Mixing Pad (#2 of 6)

Service Access

Screw #1

Service Access

Screw #2