Cancel, Version, Password – Crestron electronic Ethernet User Manual
Page 23: Options, Crestron eserver™ ethernet oem module

Crestron eServer™
Use the “cancel” command to terminate an operating system upgrade that is in
progress. This command can be used at any time (e.g., after a "prepare" comand or
while a transfer file is in progress.
Entering the “version” command provides the firmware version currently running
within the connected eServer.
The "password" command permits the user to set a password for accessing the
eServer via TCP/IP. Enter the password after the "password" command and a blank
space. For example:
password hello
Entering the “options” command without any arguments displays the available
system options and respective settings. For example, observe the following response
to the “options” command.
Sample Response to the “options” Command
A Saved and Current column is displayed. Saved is the setting after power up.
Current defines the true setting as detected by the system. For example, notice in the
previous illustration that SIMPL+ is Saved: ON and Current: OFF. This indicates
that even though SIMPL+ has been enabled after power up, it is impossible to
support this setting because SIMPL+ is not running. Enter the appropriate "options"
command to change the Saved setting. A reboot is required to take effect.
A brief description of valid settings is shown below.
SIMPL+ – permits SIMPL+ program to execute
PRINT FROM SIMPL+ – for debugging purposes; permits printing to console
from SIMPL+
PASSTHRU – permits serial port passthru
KILL_CIP_ON_ACTIVE_PASSTHRU – disables CIP program during passthru
DEBUG – for use with a Crestron technical representative only
SYS_MESSAGES – suppresses all unprompted messages
TELNET CONSOLE – permits access through Telnet (port 23)
Operations Guide - DOC. 8148
Ethernet OEM Module: eServer™
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