Mtioo multitrack cassette recorder – Yamaha MT100 User Manual
Page 6
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The MASTER fader sets the overall output level of the
MT100 mixer section, and thus the level of the output
signal appearing at the ST OUT jacks. The MASTER fader
also affects recording level when any of the mixer
section’s channels are assigned to the recorder’s tracks
via the PAN controis (see "SETTING RECORDING LEV
ELS” on page 12).
MONITOR Controls
The four MONITOR controls determine the levei of the
signai from the corresponding recorder tracks which is
sent to the PHONES jack when the PHONES SELECT
switch is set to either “MONITOR” or "MIX.” The MONI
TOR controls are primarily used to set up the optimum
leveis for monitoring recorded tracks while recording new
material (overdubbing).
The MT100 permits convenient headphone monitoring via
a pair of headphones plugged into the PHONES jack. The
PHONES SELECT switch determines which signals are
sent to the PHONES jack for monitoring.
MONITOR: In this position only the output from the
recorder’s four tracks is sent directly to the PHONES
jack via the four MONITOR controls.
MIX: Both the output from the recorder’s four tracks (via
the MONITOR controls) and the stereo output from
the mixer section are sent to the PHONES jack.
STEREO: Oniy the stereo output from the mixer section is
sent to the PHONES jack.
PHONES Control
The PHONES control independently adjusts the level of
the headphone signal, making it simple to set the most
comfortable monitoring ievei.
Any pair of stereo monitor headphones with an impedance
of between approximately 8 and 40 ohms can be plugged
into this jack. Headphone monitoring is the most conven
ient way to iisten to the MTIOO’s various signais, and we
recommend that you obtain a pair of high-quality monitor
ing headphones for this purpose. The YAMAHA MH100
are ideal.
AUX RTN Control
The AUX RTN control determines the levei at which the
signai from an externai signai processor fed by the AUX
SEND jack is returned and mixed in with the MTIOO’s
main stereo output signal. The output from an external
signal processor fed by the AUX SEND jack must be con
nected to the AUX RTN jack (see "USING THE AUX
SEND/RTN LOOP” on page 16).
METER Switch
The METER switch determines whether the four LED peak
meters display levels from the corresponding recorder
tracks when set to "4 TRACK,” or meters 1 and 2 dispiay
the level of signals appearing at the mixer section’s stereo
outputs (the ST OUT jacks) when the METER switch is set
to "STEREO.” ‘
LED Peak Meters
The four LED peak meters accurately display output levels
from the MTIOO’s four recorder tracks when the METER
switch is set to “4 TRACK,” of the first two meters (num
bered 1 and 2) display levels appearing at the mixer
section’s stereo outputs (the ST OUT jacks) when the
METER switch is set to “STEREO.”
The LED peak meters are important for setting up the
optimum recording levels when recording new material
(see “SETTING RECORDING LEVELS” on page 12).
dbx ON/OFF Switch
The dbx switch determines whether the MTIOO’s internal
dbx noise reduction system is ON or OFF. For normal
recording and piayback using the MT100, the dbx switch
shouid be turned ON. This provides a significantiy im
proved signal-to-noise ratio (as much as 85 dB) so your
recordings will sound cleaner and have much less tape
For dbx noise reduction to be effective, it must be turned
ON both during recording and playback.
The dbx switch may be turned OFF when piaying back
tapes that were recorded on other equipment and which
are not dbx-encoded.
PITCH Control
The PITCH control varies tape speed by ±10%, making it
possibie to ’lune” material recorded on the MT100 to
match the pitch of musical instruments, or to slightly
lengthen or shorten the running time of a recording to
meet specific timing requirements. Tape speed is normal
when the PITCH control is set to its center click-stop posi
tion. Tape speed is increased by sliding the control to
wards the “+” end of the scale, and decreased by sliding
the control towards the end of the scale.