Interpolation, One step, Stepwise – Leica Geosystems GPS Basics User Manual

Page 33: Interpolation approach, One step approach, Stepwise approach, Geodetic aspects

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Geodetic Aspects

Other transformation approaches
Whilst the Helmert transformation

approach is mathematically correct, it

cannot account for irregularities in the

local coordinate system and for accurate

heighting, the geoid separation must be

Therefore, Leica also makes a number

of other transformation approaches

available in it’s equipment and software.
The so-called Interpolation approach

does not rely on knowledge of the local

ellipsoid or map projection.
Inconsistencies in the local coordinates

are dealt with by stretching or squeezing

any GPS coordinates to fit homoge-

neously in the local system.
Additionally a height model can be

constructed. This compensates for lack

of geoid separations, provided sufficient

control points are available.
As an alternative to the Interpolation

approach the One Step approach may

be used. This transformation approach

also works by treating the height and

position transformations separately. For

the position transformation, the WGS84

coordinates are projected onto a tempo-

rary Transverse Mercator projection and

then the shifts, rotation and scale from

the temporary projection to the "real"

projection are calculated. The Height

transformation is a single dimension

height approximation.
This transformation may be used in

areas where the local ellipsoid and map

projection are unknown and where the

geoid is reasonably constant.

Point projected onto

height model surface

Height model

Ellipsoidal surface

Orthometric height

at common point

Height model generated from 4 known points

Both the Interpolation and the One Step

approach should be limited to an area of

about 15 x 15km, (10 x 10 miles).
A combination of the Helmert and

Interpolation approaches may be found

in the Stepwise approach. This ap-

proach uses a 2D Helmert transforma-

tion to obtain position and a height

interpolation to obtain heights. This

approach requires the knowledge of

local ellipsoid and map projection.