Steering trim, Throttle e nd p oint a djustment (epa), Left right – OFNA Racing Jammin SCRT Nitro RTR User Manual
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Steering Trim
Please turn on your transmitter, plug in your battery and turn on your esc while making the adjustment of these settings.
1.Connect the receivers, servos, and other components and then turn on the power switches of the transmitter and receiver.
2.Be sure the steering trim and throttle trim on the transmitter are at their neutral position.
3.When turning on your system make sure you turn on the transmitter first before turning on the receiver, while turning off the system
turn of receiver before turning off the transmitter.
Steering Trim
Steering neutral adjustment can be made by moving the steering trim knob to the left or right.
•Finding Neutral position on the Steering
To find the center or neutral position on your transmitter, turn it on. Push the “ST-TRIM” left and notice the “ST-DR” will start flashing Green
then slowly turn to a flashing Red hold it there until you see a steady flashing Red, now you know you are at the end of left side trim. Now to
find the center or neutral position of the steering trim push the “ST-TRIM” to the right and hold it, you will notice that the “ST-DR” LED will start
flashing Green hold it their until you see that it will turn RED let go, now you are at center or neutral position, if you go past the RED light it
will start flashing GREEN again you are now off center or neutral and going toward the right.
Racer Tip
Always check and be sure the servo is at it neutral position before installing a servo. Adjust the servo horn hole position and linkage so that
both are parallel. When a servo saver is used, place it as close to center position as possible. Be sure the steering trim on the transmitter is at
the neutral position.
Trim Operation and Maximum Travel.
Changing the trim can effect the overall settings, when adjustments are made with the trims, please recheck your installation for maximum
servo travel. When Trim movement goes to extremes and your vehicle will not go straight.
That means if you make a lot of trim movement to get a servo to the neutral position, please reposition the servo horn or servo saver on the
servo and inspect your linkage installation.
1.When adjusting the ST-Trim button the ST-DR LED appears FLASHING GREEN.
2.When in the neutral position, the LED appears RED.
3.When in Max or Min position, LED appears FLASHING RED.
*Turn "BR" knob to set brake rate.
*Turn "MAX" knob to maximize the throttle rate.
*We Suggest you to set the brake at 50%.
Too much brake may overheat and damage the
Electric Speed Controller and Motor.
Throttle End Point Adjustment (EPA)