Rane ECS v2 Hardware (ECB 6 and ECM 8) User Manual
Page 9

HW Manual-9
ECM 82 Mixer - Rear Panel Description
An invalid Device Address set on the Mixer causes
its COM LED to continually flash. The ECM 82’s
power must be cycled after changing the Device
Address. Unplug from the wall, not the unit!
ቢ MIC INPUTS: These balanced Inputs connect MIC 1-MIC 4 on one 12-pin Euroblock, and MIC 5-MIC 8 on another 12-
pin Euroblock. See page HW Manual-12 for cable wiring.
ባ POST-GATE OUTPUTS: One 8-pin Euroblock delivers MIC 1-MIC 4; the other 8-pin Euroblock delivers MIC 5-MIC 8.
ቤ PRE-GATE OUTPUTS: One 8-pin Euroblock delivers MIC 1-MIC 4; the other 8-pin Euroblock delivers MIC 5-MIC 8.
ብ MIX IN: This Input allows Mixers to be daisychained together by connecting MIX OUT to MIX IN (see ቦ).
ቦ MIX OUT: This Post-Gate Output is program Selectable as either a Pre-Echo-Canceller or Post-Echo-Canceller, and is
typically connected to one of the MIX INPUTs on the ECB 62 Base. For Pre-Echo Cancellation, Select
Bypass in the Echo
Canceller box on the Mixer’s page in RaneWare.
ቧ AUX OUT: This Output is switch selectable as either a Post-Gate or Pre-Gate before the Echo Canceller. This switch is set
to “Post-Gate” at the factory. If required, remove the top cover and look for the switch marked “S1” in the middle toward
the back of the circuit board. Set the switch according to the silkscreen and replace the cover and screws.
ቨ E/C REF: Echo Canceller Reference—This Input typically connects to the Port 1 MONO Output of the ECB 62 Base when
an ECA 1 Echo Canceller is used within this Mixer. The average signal level at this input must be between -10 and 0 dBu.
ቩ ECS INTERFACE—EXP OUT: This RJ12 mod jack (and supplied cable) sends Expansion data, connecting to the EXP
IN jacks on subsequent ECM 82 Mixers.
ቪ ECS INTERFACE—EXP IN: This RJ12 mod jack (and supplied cable) receives Expansion data, connecting to the ECS
EXPANSION jack on the ECB 62 Base or the EXP OUT jacks on upstream ECM 82 Mixers.
ቫ ECS INTERFACE—DEVICE ADDRESS: Selects the Mixer number 1 thru 6. The Device Address is set using a binary
code determined using the following table. For example, turning ON the switches labeled ‘1’ and ‘2’ on the chassis yields
address ‘3’. In the following table, 0 means switch down (OFF), 1 means switch up (ON).
ቭ MIC STATUS: This DB-9 female jack is an open collector Output reflecting the current Master or Gated Mic. A new
Master or Gated Mic causes its corresponding pin to go low for 50 milliseconds. Pin 1 is Mic 1, pin 2 is Mic 2, pin 3 is Mic
3… and pin 9 is ground. This connector can provide status information for video-follows-audio.
ቮ POWER LOOP: A DIN cable (included) connects up to three ECM 82 Mixers and one ECB 62 Base, powered from one
RS 3 Power Supply. Connect only a Rane RS 3 power supply to either of these DIN jacks or an attached unit with an RS 3.
Do not connect two RS 3 units to the same unit or loop. Warning! Connect the DIN power supply connectors to the
units before connecting to AC power, otherwise damage may occur. See POWER on page HW Manual-11.