Rane ECS v2 Hardware (ECB 6 and ECM 8) User Manual
Page 4

HW Manual-4
ECB 62 Base - Front Panel Description
ቢ INPUT SIG level indicator: Lights when the Input signal on any Port, before trim, is above -25 dBu. Use this to check
signal flow.
ባ INPUT OL level indicator: Lights when the Input signal on any Port, before trim, is within 2 dB of clipping.
ቤ OUTPUT SIG level indicator: Lights when the Output signal on any Port is above -25 dBu. Use this to check signal flow.
ብ OUTPUT OL level indicator: Lights when the Output signal on any Port is above 6 dBu.
ቦ INPUT PADs: Ports 2 through 6 have switch selectable 0 or –10 dB attentuation. Use –10 dB for pro audio devices with
0 dBu or greater output levels.
ቧ SYSTEM STATUS INDICATOR—MASTER PORTS: Displays the current Master Port. It is also used by the PORT
STEP button (see
ቮ) to display the current Port monitored by the LEVEL Meter.
ቨ EXP status indicator: EXPansion port data - Lights when receiving data from the ECM 82 Mixers.
ቩ PTS status indicator: PorT Signal - Lights when audio is detected at any Port.
ቪ MCS status indicator: MiC Signal - Lights when audio is detected at any Mic Input from any ECM 82 Mixer.
ቫ PGS status indicator: ProGram Signal - Lights when audio is detected at any Port Output.
ቭ LEVEL: VU meter Selectively displays all Port Inputs and Port 1 and 3 Outputs by using the PORT STEP (see ቮ). This is
also an error display:
-3 by itself indicates an RW 232 receive parity error.
0 by itself indicates an Expansion Network overflow.
+6 by itself indicates an RW 232 overflow. During power-up initialization, this flashes until the system is ready.
If this keeps flashing longer than 10 seconds, RAM may be damaged. The ECB 62 needs servicing.
If this illuminates steadily, the system has overflowed. To remedy, cycle the power off, then back on.
ቮ PORT STEP button: Pressing this for 1 second causes the MASTER PORT STATUS LED to flash the currently monitored
port for the LEVEL meter. If this button is pressed and held for 5 seconds, the monitored Port can be incremented by
pressing the button in 1 second steps. The MASTER PORT STATUS LEDs will step Port 1 thru Port 6 Inputs (LED 1-6),
then back for the Port 1 Output (LED 1), then the Port 3 Output (LED 3), and then returning back to Port 1’s Input (LED 1).
ቯ COM indicator: flashes randomly when receiving valid data from the control system or PC. If the DEVICE ADDRESS is
not within a valid range (1-250), this LED flashes steadily at ½ second intervals.
ተ POWER indicator: Lights when the Base’s operating system is running.