Canon DR-5080C User Manual

Page 97

background image


- Rear view .................................... 16
Power cord ................................ 14, 26
Power cord connector ..................... 16
Power switch ................................... 15

- R -

Removable tray ......................... 20, 31
Removing paper jam ....................... 70
Restore Memorized Setting ............ 63

- S -

Safety Precautions ............................ 6
SCSI connectors ....................... 16, 24
SCSI ID ..................................... 25, 68
SCSI synchronization ...................... 64
Scan Mode Tables .......................... 88
Scan Procedure .............................. 39
Scanner control sheets ................... 56
Semi Auto mode .............................. 43
Sensor ............................................. 47
Setting Scan Conditions .................. 58
Setting in the User Mode ................ 64
Setting the SCSI ID and
terminator ........................................ 25
Simplex/Duplex key .................. 17, 59
Skew compensation ........................ 64
Specifications .................................. 90
Start key .......................................... 19
Stop key .......................................... 19
Stopper ...................................... 15, 29
System Requirements ..................... 22

- T -

Terminator setting ..................... 25, 68
Troubleshooting .............................. 67
Turning the POWER ON/OFF ......... 33

- U -

Upper Unit ....................................... 15
User mode ...................................... 64

- W -

When the scanned image is not
normal ....................................... 77, 83
When the scanner is not
recognized ...................................... 68