Canon t70 User Manual

Page 70

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Liquid Crystal Display

Tr« T7C^$ disp^y panel uses I


d crystal to krv

d^alo exposure iniormation. /Ule* about 5 years
of normal use. Ihe d^sploy may become hard to


The llQuid crystal may respcod relatively slowly

in low temoeratures and the display may

become dark at high temperatures {about
60*C/140*F) Normal functioning will return

vrhen the temperature returns to normal.

Back*up battery

The T7Q has o buill-in back*up battery* v/hich
memonzes the display panel data, such as the
frame counter number end the ISO film speed,
ssren the AA size batteries a^e taken out for re­

placemen L Battery [lie is about 5 years. When

voltage becomes insultcieni. ''ISO 100" v/ili

blink (at 2 Hz) on iho display panel alter loading
batteries for normal camera operations If the

bock-up battery* i$ removed, tne memory will be

erased In this case, reset the

h\m speed.


Take yojr camera to


noaresi Canon Semlce

faci iy rcf the repaoement ot tre nquo crystal or
the back-up battery (Rsplacarrenl wil te at the
