4) how the aporture affects the picture – Canon t70 User Manual
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(4) How the Aporture Affects the Picture
A. The smaller ihe aperture, the wder the range
ol $harpne$s. or oepih fied Tht$ is illustrated
by the picture above v^hich was taker» at f/t6.
Compare it v/ilh the photo lo its right This cM>ep
depth ol held i$ especially good for such sub
jects as landscapes.
6 The largar thè aperture, thè narrower thè
rango ol shorpness. An ap6r^Jre of for in
start ce. can isolato your subject from lt$ sur-
rcuncr^s. This tecnnique is ofion usod le blur a
disturoing background
\r\ portraiture.
y/he*^ the lers is meunteo on the canre^a. ine viov»i roer bright itull-scerture melonng). Ti-e
dpedure is conpieicly ccon in order lo
aperture closes dcrAti to the value dleptav^ n tho
viewifder \vher^ you release tne shutter
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