Shuuer*priorlty safety shift function – Canon t70 User Manual
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ShuUer*priorlty safety shift function
If the selected snuiter speed is too s(o^/ or Icc
is$t for the i^hi conditions, me T70 auicmatioaiiy
switches the shultor soood to a hghor or lower
ore that v/ill svcid oncer cr overexposure
. The sauiter speed is dutcrreticdiiv set lo 1/12S
sec. svher swltchlnp lo the shtiter •priority AE
mcdoircm otnor nodes
2 Ypjcen lock mesnuiter speed oy sett no tresnu:*
ter speed shilt lock leve^ to tte w* cosilioi. Es^nif
you ptoss the shill buttons luper down) cccdon*
tdii»*. the snuiter speeo win not ce chat^ea
H ypu v/cutd like to se^cl the sperlure:
1> First make sure tho shutter speed shift
lock lever is disengaged frem *L".
2) Then, v^hiie pushing the exposure preview
button, press the shift buttons until the
desired f/slep appears m the viewf nder.
nefor to page &S lor noro information abott
exposure isi'^ltsr speed ard epo'Mro).
To choose a shutter speed, refer to the labe