Sperdute z77t. 299t, Remote switch 60t3 – Canon t70 User Manual
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Sperdute Z 7 7 T . 299T
Remote Switch 60T3
Tho 277T can be useo as a iiIMn tfd$h ^oi out
door shcotins as we I as a ncrmel Hash when
s-'cethg ât night or »n a dimly lit room. For exam-
sstien you use the 277T to take a petufo ol a
person backlit by the $un. your subject y/ill not
pe loo dark and the oackground v/iii r>ol oe over
exposed B i/stop$ can be selected iror 1/2 to
fi'22 allowing you to cor^sider the depth held
even in nosh photography.
The 299T oilers many mpressrve teaiurus.
su:^ as t*^#o MANUAL modes, o Duilt-in zeem
mechanism and a bojnoe rash meohonism.
to help overcome venous diiiicult subject
lighting conditions
The Remote S^vdeh 60T3 is designed to be used
v^hen the canard Is mounted on a tripod for
close-up shooting or when using a telephoto
Ians with which earner a-shake is a particular
proUem. Attach directly to ihe camera*s rarrote
control socket