Canon t70 User Manual
Page 41
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■ Program AE
Both opoftuio and $huUo^ spe«d ore aulcmah*
cally set by the camera accordir^g to the bright
ness of the subject and a prcG'omrnud set of
opcrturoi'shutter speed ccmbi^tcns.
Tríese programs are convemeni for those who
ere (eking pictures with an SLP lor the first lime,
those who do not l^ke lo worry about compiical*
ed operation, or those who would smpty like to
concentrate on picture composibco
(1) Standard program AE
This program i$ celled standard because it is
orients toward rie№e: shutter speed nor eper*
ture size. It is the most popular pre^rammed AE
and is suitable lor daily snap shots
(2) Tele program AE
Tele pr^ram's shutter speed/aoerlure cembna-
tbn IS pr^ranvned so that the camera chooses
the toslesi possible shutter speed ll is effective
for emphasizing the main subject by makir^g the
depth cf held shallower. il is also well suited lo
slopping aciron in such areas es sporls pho*
lography. When us^r>g a telep^olc (er>$. which,
because oi
$ long local length, is likely to
cause blurred pictures due lo camera-shake,
mis program's fast shuiter speeds reduce №e
possibilityof blur
(3) Wide program AE
Tr\e wide program chooses the smallest possi*
be aperture. th4js aibwrg a deep depth ol field.
11 Ls suitable lor bnngrg not only Ihc man sub
ject bui also the background and lcregrour.d
into sharp focus and so is appropriate tor lard-
scapes or large group shots
■ Shutter-priority AE
You set the shutter soaed ar^ the camera auto-
maticaMy chooses the correct aperture Icr the
lighting conditions.
This mode is applicable lo taking pictures of
moving subjects. By conirolling the shutter
speed >du can also control the subject's move
ment. Faster shutter speeds can be used to
treeze subject motion and slower shutter
speeds con provide artistic blur oliocts.