A p p e n d i x – Cisco 700 MHz User Manual

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Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server 6.x




Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server
Software Upgrade Reference

This appendix contains sample sessions of upgrading the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server
software. (See the

“Upgrading the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server Software”

chapter for

upgrade procedures.)

Use the following sections as a reference when you are upgrading the software so that you will know
how far in the process you are:

Viewing the Remote Upgrade for a Sample Session Without a Disk Backup, page A-1

Viewing the Upgrade Status for a Remote Upgrade Session, page A-3

Viewing the Real-Time Upgrade Status for a Remote Upgrade Session, page A-3

Viewing the Onsite Upgrade for a Sample Session Without a Disk Backup, page A-16

Viewing the Remote Upgrade for a Sample Session Without a
Disk Backup

bigfoot:csc$ down

Are you sure (y/n)? y

Checking to see if the system is loaded...OK

System DOWN procedure has been initiated.

The system is DOWN.

bigfoot:csc$ update

Update is from

1) CD

2) Diskette

3) Remote File

4) Local File

q) (Quit Update)

Enter choice: 1

Please insert the update CD in the drive, then

wait for the drive to be quiet before continuing.

Press to continue or to abort.

CD mounted OK; checking for update sets...

There is just one update set on the CD.

You wish to install: MeetingPlace 5.4

Is this correct? (y or n) y


- MeetingPlace software release 5.4