Cisco 700 MHz User Manual

Page 70

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Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server 6.x


Chapter 4 Upgrading the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server Software

Upgrading the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server Software to Release 6.0


The default username is admin, and the default password is cisco.

Step 5

Shut down the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server software by entering down.

Step 6

Note the current time.

Step 7

Save the session capture to your desktop with the filename upgrade.txt. If something unexpected occurs
during the update process, Cisco TAC will need this log.

We strongly recommend that you capture the upgrade session to a log file.

Step 8

Begin the software upgrade process by entering update.

Step 9

Enter 1 when the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace system displays a menu of upgrade sources. The update
is from a CD-ROM. For example:

meetingplace:tech$ update

Update is from

1) CD

2) Diskette

3) Remote File

4) Local File

q) (Quit Update)

Enter choice:

Step 10

Press Enter when the drive is quiet and you are ready to install the software. This takes about a minute.
The Cisco Unified MeetingPlace system checks the CD-ROM drive for update file sets.

Step 11

When you are asked to confirm the update set, enter y. This starts the software upgrade. The Cisco
Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server system reads the CD-ROM for approximately 3 minutes.

Step 12

Continue the upgrade by pressing Enter.


If the following message appears:

A disk backup appears to be active...

You may restart the system to stop it.

restart the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server system by entering restart disable.

After the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server system comes back up, dial in to the Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace Audio Server system, log in as a technician, and resume this procedure with

Step 6


Phase 1 of the software upgrade starts. This is when the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server
software is upgraded. During this phase, entering Ctrl-C stops the upgrade.

After Phase 1 of the software upgrade is complete, the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server system
restarts and continues to Phase 2 of the software upgrade. Phase 2 is when the Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace Audio Server database is upgraded. This portion of the upgrade can take up to an hour.
Entering Ctrl-C has no affect on the system during this phase.


During the software upgrade, do not try to stop the upgrade or restart the Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace Audio Server system. This can have very serious effects on the Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace Audio Server system data and program integrity.