Cisco 700 MHz User Manual
Page 111

Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server 6.x
Appendix A Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server Software Upgrade Reference
Viewing the Onsite Upgrade for a Sample Session Without a Disk Backup
32768 32768
Copying 5.4.0/portrescard.unitid:
32768 32768
Copying 5.4.0/t1card.unitid:
32768 32768
Copying 5.4.0/t1span.unitid:
32768 32768
Copying 5.4.0/trunk.unitid:
327680 327680
Copying 5.4.0/
32768 32768
Copying 5.4.0/e1card.unitid:
32768 32768
Copying 5.4.0/e1span.unitid:
32768 32768
Copying 5.4.0/accard.unitid:
32768 32768
Copying 5.4.0/acspan.unitid:
32768 32768
Copying 5.4.0/iprescard.unitid:
32768 32768
Copying 5.4.0/blade.bladekey:
32768 32768
Copying 5.4.0/blade.slot:
32768 32768
Copying 5.4.0/prottable.num:
32768 32768
cmdbrev: starting /lat/bin/initdb -y 5.4.0/tcnfg
Database Initialization Utility
Centura RDM 5.0.0 [24-Apr-2000]
Copyright (c) 1992-2000 Centura Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
5.4.0/tcnfg initialized
cmdbrev: /lat/bin/initdb done
cmdbrev: starting /lat/bin/dbconfig -b /lat/db -f /lat/db/m3.con
cmdbrev: /lat/bin/dbconfig done
Mon Aug 21 19:01:54 PDT 2006
cmdbrev: starting 5.3.0/update -f 5.3.0 -t 5.4.0
update: starting updategen -f 5.3.0 -t 5.4.0
updategen: begun Mon Aug 21 19:01:54 PDT 2006
validating FINDME preferences
checked 4 users
skipped group check
update: updategen done
update: starting updateoptions -f 5.3.0 -t 5.4.0
Updating option names ... ... Done
update: updateoptions done
update: starting upgradetcnfg -f 5.3.0 -t 5.4.0
Converting tcnfg database from 5.3.0 to 5.4
Fixing AC card records+++..+++..+++..+++..+++..+++..+++..+++..+++..!
Creating IP Global Configuration record.!
Fixing trunk
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[Continues for several