Enabling server disk capacity monitoring – Cisco 700 MHz User Manual
Page 83

Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server 6.x
Chapter 6 Maintaining the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server System
Enabling Server Disk Capacity Monitoring
PS2: OK, fan is OK
PS3: OK, fan is OK
SCSI Adapter: NCR 810
DISK 1: 36000MB (SEAGATE ST336704LW REV=0004)
DISK 2: 36000MB (SEAGATE ST336704LW REV=0004)
Solid State Disk: IMPERIAL "MG-35/400 ULTRA" S/N=0128 REV=B403
Battery: usage = 307 days, charge is OK
Ethernet: Intel 8225x PCI 10/100 (0001af03c05e)
Modem: Absent or unrecognized
Smart Blades:
Slot 16: NMS CG6000C S/N=20363257 REV=5894-B2 MSC0 PRC0
Slot 15: NMS CG6000C S/N=20363261 REV=5894-B2 MSC1 PRC1
Enabling Server Disk Capacity Monitoring
You can monitor the disk use of the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server system. The Cisco
Unified MeetingPlace system raises an alarm when it reaches or exceeds a specified use threshold.
Threshold values denote the percentage of a particular file system that is currently being used. In
general, 90 percent is a good value for a threshold. You can use a number lower than 90 to get an earlier
warning, but you may get an alarm for a normal condition. We recommend using 90.
To Enable Server Disk Capacity Monitoring
Step 1
Log in to the CLI as a technician. The tech$ prompt appears.
Step 2
Log your terminal session. (For information on logging, see the
“Logging Your HyperTerminal Session”
Step 3
Enter configdiskcap.
Step 4
Enter the number of the file whose use threshold capacity you want to modify. In
, we want
to modify the use threshold capacity for the /lat/db file (file 2), so enter 2.
Step 5
Enter the new use threshold value for this file. In
, we want the use threshold capacity to be
95 percent, so enter 95.
Step 6
Save your changes and exit the configdiskcap command by entering s.
Example 6-2
Enabling Server Disk Capacity Monitoring
meetingplace:tech$ configdiskcap
Disk Capacity Monitor Configuration
Capacity values are utilization percentage thresholds.
A major alarm will be raised if a threshold is exceeded.
Select a file system threshold to modify when prompted.
Values must be between 60 and 99; a capacity
of 0 disables checking for that file system.
==== ==========
1) 0 /
2) 0 /lat/db