Metalfab Continuous Batch Controller User Manual
Page 13

Metalfab, Inc.
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the Batch setup submenu of the System setup menu, the # Batches button is displayed on the
screen. The operator may enter the desired number of batches to run. When the number of
completed batches equals the number of batches to run the system will a Completed message and
require that the operator press the Reset button before more batches can be run.
Emergency Stop
The BC623 is equipped with a
mechanical Emergency Stop button
This button may be pressed at any
time to stop the feeder. The emergency
stop button is a maintained push
button. Once the conditions causing the
emergency situation have been
resolved, the emergency stop button
may be pulled out and the feeder may
be restarted. If the BC623 is configured
as a batch controller, and the
emergency stop button was pressed
while a batch was in progress, the running batch would be placed in a paused state. Once the
emergency stop button is pulled out, the batch may be resumed by pressing the Resume button.
Jog Button
The BC623 has a green Jog
Button that can be used to jog the feeder
at any time. The jog button will run the
feeder at the output speed specified by
the Fast speed % in the Feeder Setup
Menu. The Jog button also provides an
isolated contact closure on terminals 10
and 11. This contact may be used in
conjunction with drive controllers that
have a jog input. The Jog button works
independently of BC623 controller. It
should be used only by experienced
personnel, and its use should be
avoided when the controller is running
the feeder automatically. The jog button is a momentary push button and returns the feeder to its
original state when it is released.