Metalfab Continuous Batch Controller User Manual
Page 12

Metalfab, Inc.
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Run Feeder
The Run Feeder screen will vary depending on which mode of operation is selected. If
the system is configured to be a continuous
controller, the Run Feeder screen will have a Target
Rate button. To change the target feed rate, press
the Target Rate button and enter the desired target
rate. Once the initial setup has been completed, and
the target rate has been entered, the operator may
begin feeding product by pressing the Green Start
button. To stop feeding product the operator may
press the Red Stop Button While the feeder is
running the operator
may also press
the Exit button to
return to the
main menu. From
the main menu
the operator may
view the rate
history by pressing
the History
button. The feeder
may be stopped at any time by pressing the red stop button,
however, the feeder
may only be started when the run feeder screen is displayed.
For this reason it is a
good idea to return to the run feeder screen whenever the
feeder is running. The Current feed rate is displayed on the run feeder screen as well as the
current mode of operation.
When the start button is pressed, the BC623 starts the feeder in Start up mode the feeder
will run at the start up speed for the start up time, as entered in the continuous feed setup menu.
The feeder will then switch to Volumetric mode. After the Volumetric Run Time has elapsed,
the BC623 will switch to gravimetric control. It will remain in Gravimetric mode until the stop
button is pressed, or if the system is a loss in weight type until a feeder refill is detected. If the
feeder is a loss in weight type, and a refill occurs, the BC623 will continue to dispense product in
volumetric mode until the refill has been completed. After the Volumetric Run Time has
elapsed, the feeder will once again return to Gravimetric mode.
If the BC623 is configured to be a
batch controller, the operator is given the
option to enter the target weight. To change
the target weight the operator may press the
Target Weight button. Also displayed on the
screen is the weight of the last batch. Once the
initial system setup has been completed, and
the target weight has been entered a batch may
be started by either pressing the Start Batch
button or by pressing the green start button.
The BC623 will then step through the batch
process as dictated by the system setup
parameters. During the batch process, the
running batch may be paused by pressing the
Stop Push button. Once paused batch may be aborted by pressing the Abort Batch button, or
resumed by pressing the Resume Batch button. The Abort and Resume buttons are displayed
once the controller has switched into a paused state. If the Count Batches feature is enabled in