Metalfab Model DBIC (compact) Volumetric Screw Feeder User Manual
Metalfab Equipment

General Description
The DB1C Feeder is a simple, rugged and accurate Volumetric Feeder used for
the dependable metering of dry solids into process. It consists of a 5 ft._ hopper
as standard, a trough with an agitator/conditioner screw (except Model DB1C-6),
a metering screw and a variable speed drive, all mounted on a common base
The steep, sloped hopper, with it's large rectangular outlet, allows for material
flow to the agitator/conditioner screw. The function of this screw is to keep the
material in motion and also "condition" the material to a constant density while
insuring complete filling of the metering screw flights. Hence, accuracy is
maintained while rates are varied by screw speed changes.
The DB1C Feeder is shipped complete and ready for operation. There is no need
for bolting the unit into place, therefore, the four (4) levelers positioned under
the base plate are equipped with rubber pads. Room should be provided at the
discharge end to allow for screw removal. Normally, 20" clearance is sufficient.
Electrical Requirements
Standard units are provided with DC drives which have their own SCR controllers
capable of converting alternating current to direct current. They are single
phase units, 115 volt up to 3/4 HP and 230 volt for 1 HP or greater. The
controller may be mounted at the Feeder location or remotely. See separate
manual for controller instructions.
Note: Units with shunt wound motors have the field energized at all times with
the switch in the off position. If feeder is not to be used for an extended period
of time, it is recommended that an AC line switch be installed prior to the control
to power down the control.