Metalfab Replacing Main Sleeve on Bin Activators Posibin User Manual
Metalfab, inc, Caution

Metalfab, Inc.
Dry Solids Processing Equipment
P.O. BOX 9, PRICES SWITCH ROAD, VERNON, NEW JERSEY 07462 ♦ 973-764-2000 ♦ FAX # 973-764-0272
Accuracy with Simplicity
When sleeve replacement is required, the bin must be empty and the vibrator must
be electrically locked out. Local permits must be obtained as required. Procedures
for ensuring “Lockout” of the bin fill equipment must be implemented
There are three methods of replacing the sleeve according to time, space, available
equipment and other installed constraints. Check the estimated weights per the size of
the bin activator and ensure that the lifting capacity exceeds the anticipated load by
margins approved by local procedures.
STD PROCEDURE: For smaller units 5 foot and under, the bin activator must be
supported using appropriate equipment, ie: forklift, overhead crane or (2) come alongs.
Once supported, remove the bolts holding the hanger arms to the upper support ring.
Remove the clamps holding the main sleeve and lower the bin activator 12” or more.
The existing sleeve can now be removed. The area where the sleeve is clamped
should be wire brushed clean.
The new sleeve should now be fitted to the upper mounting ring and clamped in place.
The bin activator can now be raised to engage the sleeve. Using a flat bar similar to a
“tire iron” will assist in getting the sleeve in place.
Replace the hanger arm bolts and install the lower clamp.
Note: The nuts used on the hanger arm bolts are ESNA type to prevent loosening
when exposed to vibration and should be replaced with new, additionally bolts and
isolators should be inspected for wear and replaced as required. Also, after running the
bin activator, all nuts and clamp bolts should be retightened.
For larger units, the above can be followed or the following can be used.
With a “come along” or hoist of adequate capacity, secure (1) side of the bin activator.
Loosen all the hanger arm nuts on the upper hanger arm support brackets. Leave