Welch Allyn Poem NIBP Module DeveloperS Kit Instructions - Installation Guide User Manual
Overview, Poem, Nibp module developer’s kit instructions

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Welch Allyn OEM Technologies • 8500 SW Creekside Place, Beaverton, OR 97008-7107 U.S.A.
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810-1209-01 Rev. A 12/02
The POEM NIBP Module Developer’s Kit provides the hardware, software, and accessories
required to operate a POEM NIBP Module from a Personal Computer (PC). This allows a
developer to control the POEM Module and view its NIBP and diagnostic outputs without having
to develop hardware and software interfaces to a host system. This version of the Developer’s Kit
POEM Module Interface Box which includes:
• POEM Module and pump mounted inside for physical protection, acoustical damping
• Interface Board mounted on top for connections to power and data communications
• External NIBP hose fitting
• Interconnect ribbon cable between Module and Interface Board (PN 660-0164-XX)
CD with POEM PC and POEM Talk Software (for PC) and manuals.
NIBP Cuff (adult, reusable)
NIBP Hose (10 ft.)
RS232 Cable for connecting Interface Board to PC (PN 660-0163-XX)
Sync Cable for connecting source for ECG synchronization signal (PN 660-0178-XX)
9 Vdc international power adapter (with interchangeable mains plugs) operating on
nominal 100-240 Vac, 50/60 Hz (PN 503-0122-00).
POEM NIBP Module OEM Implementation Manual
- Provides detailed information
about the POEM NIBP Module and how to integrate it into a host system.
POEM PC User Manual
POEM Talk User Manual
- Describe how to install and
use these software applications for development.
NIBP Module Developer’s Kit Instructions
Developer’s Kit Part Number 007-0035-00