Welch Allyn Connex Central Station - Quick Reference Guide User Manual

Welch allyn connex, Central station, Quick reference card

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Welch Allyn Connex


Central Station

Quick Reference Card

Main Monitoring screen overview


System message area. This section of the screen displays the covered location, date, time,

and any patient or technical alarms.


Patient data area. This section of the screen displays patient tiles arranged in rows and



Navigation area. This section of the screen displays secondary links to the Patient list,

Station Alarms, View options, Settings, and system notifications.


Waiting area. This section of the screen displays patient tiles awaiting confirmation.

Note Do not leave a patient tile in the Waiting area for an extended amount of time, as

patient measurements are not saved until the patient is confirmed. The waiting area

is a temporary placeholder for patient tiles. Confirm the patient as soon as possible.





Add a patient at the central station

Note This method is only recommended for use when your central

station is not connected to an Admit/Discharge/Transfer


1. Click the Patients icon. The Patient List appears.
2. Click

Add. The Patient Details window appears.

3. Scan the patient’s barcode or use the keyboard to enter the patient’s

ID, name, date of birth, and other information.

Note The patient’s first or last name can not exceed 32 characters.

If the ADT system sends a first or last name longer than 32

characters, the name will be truncated, and will generate a


4. Click

Save. The Confirm Changes dialog box appears.

5. Review the information in the dialog box, and if correct, click

Yes to

return to the Main Monitoring screen. If further editing is required,


No to return to the previous screen.

Admit a patient from the Waiting area

1. In the Waiting area, click the patient tile you want to admit. The

Device Detail window appears.

2. Click

Edit. The Patient Details window appears.

3. Enter the patient information, choose a location for the patient and


Save. The Confirm Changes dialog box appears.

4. Review the information in the dialog box, and if correct, click

Yes to

return to the Main Monitoring screen. If further editing is required,


No to return to the previous screen.