Operating instructions – Welch Allyn SureSight Autorefractor - User Manual User Manual
Page 20

Operating Instructions
Push any button to turn on the unit.
Position the patient so that eye levels can be adjusted for unit use.
Press the child/adult button until you hear a beep to choose the appropriate
calibration. (Child/Adult Calibration cut over age is 6 - see Adult/Child
Calibration Section, Page 20 for more information).
Explain the test procedure to the patient:
“Now I will check your eyes. (Or “Now I’m going to take movies of you.”)
“I want you to look for the red light in the middle of the blinking green lights.”
Position yourself at eye-level and square with the face of the patient.
Push the “GO” button on the unit and check that the patient is fixated
correctly during the test.
Position the unit at the correct distance from the patient:
When too far away, you will hear slow, low-pitched beeps.••••••
Slowly move closer. When the unit is at the correct distance (~14”), you
will hear a steady, low tone.————
When the unit is too close, you will hear quick, high-pitched beeps
The cross hairs will flash in synch with the tones.
When you are at the correct distance, look through the peephole and align
the cross hairs on the pupil of the patient’s right eye. While the unit is
acquiring data, you will hear a very high-pitched chirping sound with a steady
low tone. ° ° ° ° °
When the test of the right eye is complete, you will hear the “tah-dah”
Rotate the unit to the left eye and align the cross hair over the left eye’s pupil
and repeat. (Testing resumes 1 second after the first eye is complete, so you
do not need to press any buttons.)
At the end of the test, you will hear the “tah-dah” sound again.
If the unit has not gathered enough good readings from either eye, you will
hear 5 tones to signify that the testing has stopped. - - - - - You must re-test
that eye.