Pc or server configuration, Configuration wlan option card, Installing device installer on your pc – Rice Lake WeighVault for Counterpart User Manual
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WeighVault Installation Instructions
PC or Server configuration
Indicators communicate with the host PC through TCP
Port #5466. In order for this communication to take
place, the indicator's Ethernet or WLAN option card
needs to know the IP address of the host PC. Therefore,
the host will need a static (not dynamic) IP address.
I f u s i n g a n e t w o r k s e r v e r, a s k y o u r n e t w o r k
administrator for the IP address of the server, and
confirm the address is static. If using a PC, refer to the
instructions supplied with the PC, or Windows, to help
you set up the computer with a static IP address.
If your PC or network is running a
firewall, it may be necessary to create
an exception for TCP Port 5466.
Configuration WLAN Option Card
T h e W L A N o p t i o n c a r d w i l l r e q u i r e s p e c i f i c
configuration to work properly with WeighVault. It can
be configured using a network-based Windows
application called Device Installer, which is provided
on the WeighVault DVD and the CD included with the
option card. However, with the WLAN option card, an
initial configuration is required via RS-232 before
Device Installer can be used.
Configuration of the WLAN option card should
be performed by someone familiar with general
computer networking, and more specifically,
familiar with the network the card is going to attach to. At
minimum, you must know the IP address and subnet of the
host PC, and if connecting via WLAN, the network SSID and
security settings (pass keys and phrases).
More detailed configuration instructions are available on the CD
and in the manuals provided with the option card.
Installing Device Installer on your PC
1. Insert the CD included with the WLAN option
card and select
Install Device Installer
. Follow the
onscreen instructions.
Initial Configuration of WLAN Option Card via RS-232
The first step required for using the WLAN option card
is to configure its Network Type, IP address and
subnet, and the SSID and network security settings.
Because the card can not connect to the network until
these settings are made, it must first be configured
through an RS-232 connection and a simple terminal
program, such as Hyperterminal, Procomm, or Putty.
1. Connect a PC's RS-232 port to J2 on the
WLAN option card. If the PC is equipped with
a 9-pin connection, connect pin 3 to J2-TX, pin
2 to J2-RX, and pin 5 to J2-Gnd.
2. Set both CFG/LOOP jumpers to CFG.
3. Using the instructions contained in the manual
supplied with the WLAN Option card, set the
following parameters:
Set the Network Mode to Wireless Only.
The IP address you want to assign to the
Option Card (can be set with Device
Installer). This address must be on the
same subnet as the address for the host PC
or server.
The IP Subnet Mask (can be set with
Device Installer).
Network type: AdHoc or Infrastructure.
Network SSID, or name.
Channel Number (if AdHoc only).
All required security parameters (i.e.,
WEP, WPA, associated pass keys or
4. Save the settings.
The card should now be able to connect to the network.
Take note of the WLANACT LED on the card. If it is
on, or blinking, you do NOT have a connection. If it is
off, the connection is successful. You may now use
Device Installer to perform the remaining settings.
Ethernet WLAN Option Card Configuration using Device
1. Start the Device Installer program.
Upon opening, the program will search the
network for any Lantronix WLAN option
cards available.
2. Once it finds your option card, you may select
it and perform the following configuration
using the Web Browser Configuration Tool:
Please refer to the manual included with the
option card, along with the complete Lantronix
User Guide provided on the CD, for detailed
instructions for configuration of the option card.
If using Ethernet, you will need to assign the IP
address and subnet first.
Make the following settings to Channel 1
(Channel 2 if WLAN):
Connect Mode to “Connect With Any
Remote Port to “5466.”
Remote Host to the IP address of the host
P C o r S e r v e r t h a t i s r u n n i n g t h e
WeighVault service.
All other settings should remain default, aside
from the initial WLAN settings set above.
3. Click
on every page, then click
Configuring an External RS-232 to Ethernet or WLAN
Rice Lake Weighing System does not directly support
third-party converters. If used, the converter must be
set up using the manufacturer's instructions. You will
need to match the RS-232 settings, as well as set the
unit up to initiate a TCP connection to TCP Port 5466
on the WeighVault host any time data is presented by
on the RS-232 side.