Rice Lake RailBoss™ Rail Scales - Calibration Guide User Manual

Calibration guide, Railboss, Railroad track scale

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March 2013

121078 Rev B


Railroad Track Scale

Calibration Guide

This guide is intended for use by operators of the

RailBoss Calibrator

, a specially designed tool to effectively

calibrate the RailBoss Railroad Track Scale. For installation and configuration information, refer to the RailBoss
Installation Manual PN 119903, and for user operations, refer to the User Operations Guide PN 119890.

Take all necessary safety precautions when installing the scale carriage including wearing safety
shoes, protective eye wear, and using the proper tools.

DO NOT place hands, feet or any body part between the RailBoss Calibrator and the RailBoss rail or
any possible pinching locations.

Using the RailBoss Calibrator

1. Prior to placing the

RailBoss Calibrator

on the track, ensure track grips are arranged as shown in

Figure 1.

Figure 1. RailBoss Calibrator Track Grips

2. Place the

RailBoss Calibrator

on the RailBoss rail, centering the calibrator load cell over the center of the

yellow reflective strip.

This ensures a correct reading from the rail.

Figure 2. RailBoss Calibrator on RailBoss Scale

3. With the calibrator securely fitted over the RailBoss live rail, attach the indicator and hydraulic pump.


Raise Track Grip

Use handles to
place Calibrator
on Rail.

Loosen knob


Center Calibrator
over yellow strip.

Lower and secure
track grip