Rice Lake Ishida AstraLabel User Guide User Manual

Page 8

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Editing Print Fields

The left side of the Label Edit window contains the Insert buttons. Cursor mode is selected
when the Label Edit window first opens, as indicated by the cursor button (the top button)
appearing depressed. In cursor mode, you can use the mouse or TAB key to select fields in
the label.
Editing operations that can be performed on a selected field include dragging and resizing,
opening a properties dialog to edit the print field's properties (by double-clicking on the field),
and the standard Windows cut, copy and paste operations.
See Editing Label Formats for a full description of how to edit print fields.

Inserting Print Fields

1. Click an insert button other than the cursor button. This sets the Label Edit window to

insert mode. The selected insert button specifies the unit type of the print field to insert.

2. Drag with the mouse to specify where to insert the new print field.

3. If more than one print ID has the specified unit type, a menu opens for you to select the

print ID for the field.

4. Next, an Edit Properties dialog appears for you to edit the properties for the field. Make

any required changes, then click OK. The new print field appears at the specified location
on the label and the window returns to cursor mode.

See Editing Label Formats for a full description of inserting print fields.

Displaying Sub-Labels

Each label field can be assigned to a number of sub-labels (in the Edit Properties dialog).
Use the View menu or the buttons at the righthand end of the toolbar to select which sub-
label to edit.

Transmitting Label Data to the Scales

The operation differs depending upon which version of the Label Editor you are using:


1. Make the Label Edit window for the label you wish to transmit the active window, or select

the label in the Label List window

2. Select Transmit Label from the Tools menu and wait for the Comms Progress dialog box

to appear, then initiate data transfer from the scales.

3. A message box appears to notify you when transmission of the label data has completed.

See Sending and Receiving Labels from the Scales for a full description of how to transmit
and receive label data from the scales.


1. Make the Label Edit window for the label you wish to transmit the active window, or select

the label in the Label List window

2. Select Communicate with Scales from the Tools menu. A dialog opens asking whether

you wish to save the currently open label file in IF21 format. You must save the file if you
wish to send it to the scales. If you click "Yes", a File Open dialog appears for you to
specify the file name.
For this tutorial, click "No".