Index – Mercedes-Benz E-Wagon 2015 User Manual
Page 13

Exhaust pipe (cleaning instruc-
tions) .................................................. 340
Exterior lighting
Setting options .............................. 128
see Lights
Exterior mirrors
Adjusting ....................................... 122
Dipping (automatic) ....................... 124
Folding in/out (automatically) ....... 123
Folding in/out (electrically) ........... 123
Folding in when locking (on-board
computer) ...................................... 247
Out of position (troubleshooting) ... 123
Setting ........................................... 123
Storing settings (memory func-
tion) ............................................... 125
Storing the parking position .......... 124
Eyeglasses compartment ................. 293
Filler cap
see Fuel filler flap
Flat tire
MOExtended tires .......................... 345
Preparing the vehicle ..................... 345
TIREFIT kit ...................................... 346
see Emergency spare wheel
Floormats ........................................... 327
Folding bench seat (cargo com-
partment) ........................................... 115
Additives ........................................ 413
Consumption statistics .................. 235
Displaying the current consump-
tion ................................................ 236
Displaying the range ...................... 236
Driving tips .................................... 182
Flexible fuel vehicles ...................... 414
Fuel gauge ....................................... 33
Grade (gasoline) ............................ 412
Important safety notes .................. 412
Premium-grade unleaded gaso-
line ................................................. 412
Problem (malfunction) ................... 177
Quality (diesel) ............................... 413
Refueling ........................................ 173
Tank content/reserve fuel ............. 412
Fuel filler flap
Emergency release ........................ 175
Opening ......................................... 175
Fuel filter (display message) ............ 267
Fuel level
Calling up the range (on-board
computer) ...................................... 236
Fuel tank
Capacity ........................................ 412
Problem (malfunction) ................... 177
Fuse allocation chart (vehicle tool
kit) ...................................................... 344
Allocation chart ............................. 358
Before changing ............................. 358
Fuse box in the cargo compart-
ment .............................................. 359
Fuse box in the engine compart-
ment .............................................. 358
Fuse box in the trunk ..................... 359
Important safety notes .................. 358
Garage door opener
Clearing the memory ..................... 327
General notes ................................ 324
Important safety notes .................. 325
Opening/closing the garage door .. 327
Programming (button in the rear-
view mirror) ................................... 325
Gear indicator (on-board com-
puter) .................................................. 247
Genuine parts ...................................... 23
Glove box ........................................... 293
see Parking brake
HANDS-FREE ACCESS .......................... 94
Hazard warning lamps ...................... 131
Head bags
Display message ............................ 258
Fogging up ..................................... 133
see Automatic headlamp mode