Kontron PB-TIM2 User Manual
Pb-tim2 user’s manual preface pb-tim2

PB-TIM2 User’s Manual
General Purpose 16+8 bit
Timer Piggyback
Order No. 14257
User’s Manual
Issue 1 Preliminary
Unpacking and Special Handling Instructions
This PepCard product is carefully designed for a long and fault-free life; nonetheless, its life expectancy can be drastically
reduced by improper treatment during unpacking and installation.
Observe standard anti-static precautions when changing piggybacks, ROM devices, jumper settings, etc. If the product
contains batteries for RTC or memory back-up, ensure that the board is not placed on conductive surfaces, including
anti-static plastics or sponges. These can cause shorts and damage to the batteries or tracks on the board.
When installing the board, switch off the power mains to the chassis. Do not disconnect the mains as the ground
connection prevents the chassis from static voltages, which can damage the board as it is inserted.
Furthermore, do not exceed the specified operational temperature ranges of the board version ordered. If batteries are
present, their temperature restrictions must be taken into account.
Keep all the original packaging material for future storage or warranty shipments. If it is necessary to store or ship the
board, re-pack it as it was originally packed.
July 30, 1997
© 1996 PEP Modular Computer
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