Archived 4/2/10 – ETS-Lindgren FP5000 Isotropic Electric Field Probe (Archived) User Manual

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Isotropic Electric Field Probe

© ETS-LINDGREN L.P. – July, 2005
Revision G- Part # H-600054




Although the specified operating range of the
HI-4422/FP2000/FP4000/FP5000 is from 10 kHz to 1 GHz, it
responds to signals both above and below these frequencies.
Such responses must be taken into account when performing
certain operations, such as zeroing.

On the low frequency end, the HI-4422/FP2000/FP4000/FP5000
is specified to operate down to 10 kHz; however, the probe can
exhibit some response to frequencies as low as 50/60 Hz. Such
an out-of-band response poses a problem when zeroing the unit,
since this operation obviously assumes a zero field condition.
Therefore, when zeroing, the user must compensate accordingly
for any low frequency out-of-band response.

At the upper end, similar problems can occur. The specified
upper operating limit is 1 GHz. Above this frequency, the
dimensions of the probe body itself become appreciable in
relation to wavelength: this makes the behavior of the
HI-4422/FP2000/FP4000/FP5000 unpredictable above 1 GHz.
Responses to frequencies up to 6 GHz must be compensated for
when zeroing the probe.


Limitations in system resolution may result in a non-zero reading
when the receiver is zeroed. If this occurs, it does not
necessarily mean either that there is a problem with the receiver
or that your readings are inaccurate. Probe linearity is specified
as + 0.5 dB full scale: in addition, the variance of the probe's A/D
converter is + 2 least significant bits. When using the most
sensitive range (10 V/m), these specifications create the
possibility that, under zero field conditions, the receiver may
display a non-zero value.

Archived 4/2/10