Elecraft KXAT1 User Manual
Page 6

Tin T1's leads with solder. If the leads do not tin easily, the insulation may not be fully removed.
Using an ohmmeter, measure between the red and green wires to make sure that they're not shorted.
Install T1 as indicated by its PC board outline. Insert the leads into the numbered holes as identified
by the drawing on the previous page.
Pull the leads taut on the bottom of the board. Before soldering, make sure that the entire portion of
exposed lead is properly tinned.
Cut a 1-1/8" (2.9 cm) length of insulated, solid-conductor hookup wire. Remove 1/4" (6 mm) of
insulation from each end. This jumper will form the 1-turn link winding of T1.
Insert this wire through the center of T1 and into the pad labeled 5. Bend the wire down to the left and
insert the other end into pad 6. Pull the leads of the wire taut on the bottom of the board, then solder.
Install the self-adhesive foot in the location identified on the ATU module ("FOOT").
Touch a grounded, unpainted metal surface before handling the microcontroller (U1, 16C716).
Carefully straighten U1's pins, then insert U1 into its socket. Be sure to orient the notched end of U1 toward
the pin 1 label.
Remove the bottom cover from the KX1 transceiver (2 thumbscrews) and turn it upside-down with
the BNC connector on the left. On the KX1 PC board, locate J8 (2 pins), J7 (3 pins), and J6 (5 pins).
Remove the jumper installed between pins 1 and 3 of J7 (ATU bypass).
The KXAT1 kit includes mating male connectors for J8, J7, and J6, designated P2, P1, and P3,
respectively. Insert these connectors (the long ends) as far as they'll go into their respective female
connectors on the KX1 board. P1-P3 must be fully seated, or the bottom cover will not fit properly with
the ATU installed.
Place the KXAT1 module onto the pins of P1-P3. Verify that the module is resting flat against the
plastic bodies of the three connectors, and is not touching any parts on the KX1 board. If necessary, adjust
the positions of toroids and capacitors on the two boards to allow them to fit together without obstruction.
Press down on the KXAT1 at both ends to ensure that P1-P3 are fully inserted into J6-J8. Then solder
all pins of P1-P3.
Trimmer R4 on the KX1 board is accessible through a hole in the ATU board (as well as a
corresponding hole in the bottom cover). We recommend doing ATU alignment and test with R4 fully
clockwise (maximum power output, about 4 watts at 12-13V). R4 can be adjusted using a small flat-blade
This completes KXAT1 assembly. Keep the bottom cover off for the alignment and test steps which follow.