EdgeWare FastBreak Pro Version 5 User Manual

Page 42

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If at a later time you want to reload the results, use the Load FB Pro Restart File option
and select the desired restart file. FastBreak Pro will load the data and continue
execution. This is true even if the maximum number of generations was reached during
the original execution. If you want to extend the number of generations, first use the
Pause icon to halt the execution. Next, change the maximum number of generations box
(found on the GA setup screen). Finally, use the Continue button on the Results Screen
to continue the execution. Note: We recommend you use the default file extensions,
i.e., GRF, GPF etc. This will allow you to easily recognize the different file types. We
recommend you always save a restart file at the end of an optimization run. This can
save you hours of run time at a later date. It also allows you to reload and confirm the
parameters you used in a particular run.

Saving Strategies

The parameters for the top ten best systems can be saved after a run has finished, or the
program can be paused during optimization and the systems can be saved.

FastBreak will create parameter files (DFT files in FastBreak nomenclature) when you
click on the Create DFT files icon:

You will be asked to select the generation that you want to save:

After you select a generation and click OK, you will be asked to give a root name to
these files. FastBreak will put an extension number on the file name (0-9) to indicate
which of the top ten best systems the DFT file represents. For example, if you name the
DFT files TEST, FastBreak will name them TEST0.DFT … TEST9.DFT. TEST0.DFT
is the “best” system and TEST9.DFT the tenth best system based on IS Adjusted