Dave Smith Instruments TEMPEST User Manual
Page 73

Tempest Operation Manual
System Settings
The following table lists the Pedal Assignment options and the input devices with
which they are typically used.
Mod Source Pedal 1/2
Sequencer Start/Stop
Master Volume
Sequencer Start
System: MIDI Remote Pad Play
1 . Remote Pad IN Channel: All, 1…16—
Sets the incoming MIDI chan-
nel for MIDI note-to-pad playback and recording. The note-to-pad mapping is
programmed using the MIDI Note : Pad mapping described below.
2 . Remote Pad OUT Channel: Off, 1…16—
Sets the channel on which
Tempest’s pads transmit MIDI note and velocity data. The pads transmit MIDI
data in 16 Sounds, 16 Tunings, and 16 Levels modes. When 16 Sounds is
selected, pressing a sound pad sends the MIDI note number assigned to the Pad
in “4-35 MIDI Note: Pad A1-B16” described on the following page. When set
to Off, note and velocity messages are not transmitted (but clock and start/stop/
continue messages are).
When ‘16 Tunings’ is selected, the same MIDI note number is sent
for all 16 pads, using the note number assigned to the sound pad playing
from all the pads. However, it is possible to send MIDI note numbers in
the selected tuning as played from the 16 pads in ‘16 Tunings’ mode. To do
this, go to the “MIDI Polyphonic Keyboard Play” screen and set “MIDI:
Synth Sound” to the same sound pad as used in “16 Tunings,” then set the
“MIDI:Synth IN Channel” to a channel other than the one selected above.
3 . Pad to Note Mode: Follow Pad Func, Sounds, Beats, Mutes—
Incoming MIDI Note messages can be used for playing the pads, triggering
sounds, selecting beats, or muting sounds. The 4 options are:
Follow Pad Func:
Incoming MIDI notes will control whatever is selected
by the Pad Function buttons, exactly like the pads.
Incoming MIDI Notes will always trigger sounds.
Incoming MIDI Notes will always select one of the 16 beats.
Incoming MIDI Notes will always be used to mute/unmute the 32
sounds [16 each in banks A and B].