Dave Smith Instruments TEMPEST User Manual
Page 36

26 Oscillators
Dave Smith Instruments
The Pulse values ranges from 0 to 99 per cent and set the pulse width or duty
cycle of the Pulse wave. A value of 50 results in a true square wave with equal
alternating high and low levels, as in the preceding illustration.
Increasing or decreasing the value from 50 causes the waveshape to become
asymmetrical. Lower values narrow the positive-going portion of the wave,
higher values widen it. At the extreme values, the pulse goes completely flat,
which allows for some interesting possibilities with pulse width modulation.
Pulse Width
1/2 Mix:
Mixes the outputs of oscillators 1 and 2 in varying
amounts. A setting of 100/0 is 100% oscillator 1 and 0% oscillator 2. A setting of
0/100 is just the opposite. A setting of 50/50 is an equal mix of both.
Pitch: C0…C10—
Sets the base oscillator frequency over a 10-octave range,
from 8 Hz to 8 kHz, in semitones. C3 is middle C, the first octave is 0 (C0, C#0,
etc.), the second octave is 1 (C1, C#1, etc.), and so on. Note that noise samples
cannot be tuned.
Fine: -50…+50—
Fine tune control with a range of a quarter tone up or down.
Zero is centered. Steps are in cents (50 cents = ½ semitone).
Glide: 0...127—
Sets the oscillator glide (portamento) rate. Glide is set indepen-
dently for each oscillator. Low values are faster. See also Glide Mode.
Sync 2 >1: Off, On—
Turns oscillator hard sync on. With sync on, whenever
oscillator 2 resets, oscillator 1 is forced to restart.
Oscillator 1
Oscillator 2
Oscillator 1
synced to
Oscillator 2
Sub Osc: 0...127—
Controls the level of a square wave pitched one octave below
oscillator 1.