BoonDocker EBC User Manual
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BoonDocker Performance 2379 W. Heyrend Way Idaho Falls, ID 83402
Toll Free (US) 877-552-6127 or 208-542-4411
Revised 10-28-11 Electronic Boost Controller install/operation instructions
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The Boondocker EBC is a true PID controller. The user chooses a desired boost (SET BST), called a set
point. The controller evaluates the error between the set point and actual boost, watches the rate of
approach to the set point, and changes the amount of air pressure allowed to the wastegate actuator to
achieve the desired boost level. The advantage of this approach is that the wastegate can be held
completely shut during spool-up to achieve minimum lag. By comparison, a boost tee will gradually
open the wastegate as boost comes up, slowing boost rise time. This controller can also open the
wastegate more quickly than a boost tee to avoid boost spikes when going from partial to full throttle.
The Boondocker EBC is safer for your engine AND gives superior performance.
According to the user-selected configuration, the boost set point can be fixed or it can compensate for
altitude. If Altitude Compensation is off and the set point is 8.5psi, then no matter what the altitude is,
the controller will always control to 8.5psi. But when going from 5000 feet to 7300 feet altitude, you will
lose horsepower because you have lost one PSI of ambient air pressure. To keep total air to the engine
constant, turn on Altitude Compensation (found in the configuration menu). Then if the boost is set at
8.5psi when you are at 5000 feet altitude, it will control to 9.5psi at 7300 feet altitude.
The handlebar button is used to add extra boost on demand. The amount of extra boost is set with Set
Plus HP (SET +HP).
WARNING: Add SET +HP and SET BST values to get total boost. Don’t exceed safe boost for
your setup and fuel octane!
New for 2012 is Boondocker’s TPS Smart feature. Engines can tolerate higher boost at higher RPMs, so
TPS Smart adjusts the boost set point proportional to throttle position. For example, full set point is
reached at full throttle. At 75% throttle, regulation will occur at 75% of the boost set point.
The two boost settings above plus actual boost can be configured to read in PSI or bar. Use Boost Units
of Measure (BST U-M) in the configuration menu to make this selection.
Altitude can be configured to read in either thousands of feet or thousands of meters. Use Altitude Units
of Measure (ALT U-M) in the configuration menu to make this selection.
The EBC provides a boost pressure signal to the Fuel Control Box which is calibrated to give zero boost
at an idle. Use Pressure Transducer Calibration (PT CAL) in the configuration menu for this calibration.
The boost solenoid can be tested by advancing to SOL TST in the configuration menu. When the EBC
display shows BZZ, the solenoid should be buzzing or vibrating. This is not usually audible above engine
noise, but can be felt with your hand.