B&M 80706 PRO STICK SHIFTER User Manual
Pro stick shifter, Nstallation instructions

The B&M Pro Stick shifter #80701 and #80706 comes
equipped with a three speed forward (standard) pattern gate
that works with most popular three speed automatic transmis-
sions. To use these shifters with a reverse pattern three speed
automatic transmission or a two speed automatic transmis-
sion you will need an optional gate plate.
The B&M Pro Stick shifter #80702 includes the two speed
gate plate, a cable bracket and the Powerglide special lever
without the throttle valve shaft hole. For use with transbrakes
and full manual valve bodies only.
An aluminum mounting bracket is available for the B&M Pro
Stick shifter with quick release pins to allow the shifter to be
removed and replaced quickly, or the shifter can be mounted
directly to the floor. An aluminum housing is supplied with the
#80706 or it can be purchased separately to provide a fin-
ished look to the shifter. The housing can be used either with
or without the mounting bracket. The shifter comes equipped
with a neutral safety switch, and an optional backup light switch
is available.
The part numbers for the optional products are:
Three speed reverse pattern gate plate
Four speed gate plate
Two Speed (Powerglide) gate plate
Mounting bracket
Aluminum housing
Back up light switch
Powerglide Cable Bracket
GM PRNDL bracket/ lever kit #75498
The main mechanical components of this shifter are preci-
sion factory assembled. Any modification or disassembly of
these parts can cause shifter malfunction and will void the
warranty. You should disassemble only that which is detailed
in the instructions.
The vehicle should be 1-2 feet off the ground for ease of in-
stallation. Jack stands, wheel ramps or a hoist will work fine.
Make sure the vehicle is firmly supported. Read through these
instructions before beginning installation. If you do not un-
nstallation Instructions
Pro Stick Shifter
Part Number 80701, 80702 & 80706
©2012, 2010, 2008, 2001, 1998 by B&M Racing and Performance Products
derstand a particular step at first, go back and re-read the
step before proceeding.
Warning: If your vehicle is equipped with a locking steering
column, securing the column lock lever in the engine com-
partment in the full up position will allow the wheel to lock and
unlock but will allow the key to lock the wheel if the key is
turned to “lock” while moving, or at any time. Securing the
lock lever in any other position will prevent the wheel from
locking at any time.
If you are going to use a gate plate on the shifter, change it
now. Remove the two screws and three “E” rings that hold the
gate plate on (See Figure #1). Remove the original gate plate
and install the new gate plate. Replace the “E” rings and the
To use the B&M Pro Stick with a GM 4L80E or
4L85E transmission equipped with a PRNDL switch you
will need the optional accessory kit #75498.
Step 1. Remove the stock shift linkage:
Column Shifters: Remove all rods, levers or cables from the
column and the transmission. Place the column shifter lever
in the park position. Remove the roll pin holding the shift lever
to the column and remove the shift lever assembly.
Console Shifters: Remove the shifter mechanism from the
console. Disconnect and remove the rod or cable from the
transmission if so equipped.
Note: Shifter installation may require console modification or
complete console removal depending on your vehicle and
available space.
Step 2. If so equipped, pull the carpet away from the floor-
board where the shifter is to be mounted. Locate the shifter in
the vehicle with the stick shifted to the rearmost gate position
and mark the position of the four mounting holes in the floor.
Step 3. Remove the shifter mechanism and drill four mount-
ing holes using a 9/32” drill bit. Mark the position of the shifter
cable hole. The cable hole must be 1 inch in diameter. Drill or
cut the cable hole in the floorboard.
Step 4. Install the carpet back to the original position. Do not
secure the carpet at this time. Cut holes in the carpet at the
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