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reverse light switches. Reroute the wires
to the B&M QuickSilver Shifter. Strip ¼"
of insulation off the wires and install the
supplied slip-on terminals. Crimp the ter-
minals onto the wires using a crimping
tool or pliers. Connect the neutral safety
wires to the LOWER switch and the re-
verse light wires to the UPPER switch
(See Figure 1). Tape the terminal con-
nections to prevent shorts. Reconnect
the battery ground cable, disconnect the
coil wire and set the parking brake. Check
the switch operation by attempting to start
the motor in each shifter position. The
starter must crank only when the shifter
is in the Park or Neutral position. Check
the backup light operation when the shifter
is shifted to the Reverse position. Adjust
the switches if required. Reconnect the
coil wire. Go to Step 25.
STEP 19. If you have not already done
so, loosen the pinch bolt on the throttle
lever on the transmission. This is the
lever on the small diameter shaft. Pry the
lever off with a screwdriver and allow the
linkage to hang free. Remove and dis-
card the stock shift lever and the stock
shift linkage. Install the B&M selector
lever in position and tighten the pinch bolt
securely (See Figure 6). Make sure the
lever is not pushed down so far as to
touch the transmission case. This will
cause the lever to bind on the case. The
lever should travel smoothly from front to
back with a positive click in each gear
position. Install the stock throttle lever
into position on the small diameter shaft
as removed and tighten the pinch bolt
securely. The throttle lever must operate
STEP 20. Remove the two transmission
oil pan bolts directly below the shift lever.
Install the cable bracket into position with
two spacers between the pan and the
bracket (See Figure 6). (If your transmis-
sion is equipped with a cast aluminum oil
pan these spacers can be omitted). In-
stall the two supplied 5/16-18 x 1.00" pan
bolts and tighten to 12-13 lb. ft. Do not
overtighten as this can damage the pan
STEP 21. Route the shifter cable accord-
ing to Figure 2. Avoid kinks and sharp
bends and route the cable away from hot
engine or exhaust parts.
Remove the two rubber boots, one
large nut, and a large lockwasher from
the threaded end of the shifter cable.
Slide the end of the cable into the cable
bracket. Install the large nut and the
lockwasher loosely over end of cable.
Install the two rubber boots onto the end
of the cable. Install the swivel on the
threaded end of the cable and position it
in the center of the threaded portion.
STEP 22. Be sure that the Park limiter
blocker pin and the three speed limiter
blocker pin are both installed as shown in
Figure 1. The Park limiter will prevent the
shifter from additional travel beyond the
Chrysler Park position. (GM transmis-
sions have greater travel between Neu-
tral and Park than Chrysler transmissions
do). The three speed limiter blocker pin is
required because all Chrysler three and
four speed automatic transmission have
only three forward gear positions, even
the four speed A500 and A518.
Move the transmission selector lever
by hand to the full rear position (Low).
Shift the shifter mechanism to the Low
gear position (ratcheted back until it is
stopped by the three speed limiter blocker
pin). Adjust the large nuts on the cable so
that the swivel will slide into the hole on
the selector lever. Tighten the large nuts
completely. Be sure that the swivel will
slide freely in and out of the hole in the
selector lever.
With the swivel in the selector lever,
shift the shifter to the Park position, as far
forward as the shifter will go without forc-
ing it. (The Park limiter blocker pin will
prevent the shifter from moving any fur-
ther). The shift lever on the transmission
should be all the way forward. Check to
see that the swivel will slide freely in and
out of the hole in the lever in this position.
If it does not slip in freely, adjust the
swivel slightly until it will slip into the hole
in the lever in both Low and Park posi-
tions. Operate the shifter through all the
gear positions. Check to make sure the
swivel will slide in and out of the selector
lever hole in each gear position. Install
the supplied cotter key with the shifter
into the swivel and spread the key ends.
If you have a problem, DO NOT
FORCE THE SHIFTER, this will damage
the cable, the shifter or the transmission.
Simply start at the beginning and care-
fully check all your steps.
STEP 23. Check the operation of the
throttle linkage again. The linkage must
operate smoothly with no bind. All trans-
missions using automatic valve bodies
must have the throttle linkage connected
and operating or transmission damage
will result.
STEP 24. Neutral safety/backup light
’66-’68: The neutral safety switch will
continue to function normally. It will not be
necessary to hook up the neutral safety
switch wires on the shifter. Disconnect
the battery ground cable before wiring the
backup light switch. Locate the original
backup light switch on the steering col-
umn or the console shifter. Run these
wires to the UPPER switch on the B&M
QuickSilver Shifter (See Figure 1). Re-
connect the ground wire and check the
light for proper operation. Adjust the
switches on the shifter if required.
’69 and Later: The neutral safety/backup
switch is located on the transmission and
will continue to function normally. It will
not be necessary to connect any wires to
the switches on the shifter.
STEP 25. Place the black tower over the
shifter mechanism until the bottom edge
of the tower touches the floor. Hold the
tower level to the shifter with the bottom of
the tower touching the highest surface on
the floor it will come into contact with (See
Figure 7). Use a ruler to measure the
distance X from the underside of the
tower to the tower mounting brackets on
the shifter mechanism.
STEP 26. Set a pair of dividers at the
distance X, measured in Step 25. Hold-
ing the tower in position, place one leg of
the divider against the floor while the
other touches the tower (See Figure 7).
Using the dividers, scribe a line around
the tower that follows the contour of the
floorboard. Remove the tower and trim at
the scribe line using tin snips.
STEP 27. Mount the indicator light on the
tower (See Figure 1). The light socket
can mount on the top or the bottom of the
tower depending on the brightness de-
sired. Mount the socket so the bulb is to
rear of the tower and secure it using one
10-24 self-tapping screw. Do not over-
tighten as you may strip out the hole in the
tower. Place the tower into position on the
shifter. Connect one wire from the light
socket to a good chassis ground. A shifter
mounting bolt should be satisfactory. Run
a length of wire from the vehicles instru-
ment panel light circuit to the other wire
from the light socket. Secure and tape all
wires. Indicator light will work with the
instrument panel lights.
Figure 7