Page 3
the threaded end of the shifter cable.
Slide the end of the cable into the cable
bracket. Install the large nut and the
lockwasher loosely over the end of the
cable. Install the two rubber boots onto
the end of the cable. Install the swivel on
the threaded end of the cable and posi-
tion it in the center of the threaded portion.
STEP 11. If you have a four speed auto-
matic transmission, be sure that you have
removed the three speed limiter blocker
pin shown in Figure 1. If you have a three
speed automatic transmission, the three
speed limiter blocker pin and e-clips
should be installed. The Park limiter
blocker pin and e-clips should not be
installed for any GM transmission.
Move the transmission selector lever
by hand to the full rear position (Low).
Shift the shifter mechanism to the Low
gear position (ratcheted all the way back).
Adjust the large nuts on the cable so that
the swivel will slide into the hole on the
selector lever. Tighten the large nuts com-
pletely. Be sure that the swivel will slide
freely in and out of the hole in the selector
lever. Note: The shifter will not operate
correctly unless the correct hole in the
shift lever is used as shown below:
Leave the swivel out of the hole and
move the selector lever to Park, all the
way forward. Also move the shifter to Park
position. (See operation section, page
7). Reinsert the swivel into the hole in the
selector lever. Check to see that the swivel
will slide freely in and out of the hole in the
selector lever in this position. If it does not
slip in freely, adjust the swivel slightly
until it will slip into the hole in the lever.
Move the shifter back to the Low gear
position and check that the swivel will still
slide easily in and out of the hole in the
selector lever. (If you do not use the hole
in the lever, it will be impossible to cor-
rectly adjust the cable). Operate the shifter
through all the gear positions. Check to
make sure the swivel will slide in and out
of the selector lever hole in each gear
position. The shift cable is now correctly
adjusted. Install the cotter key supplied
with the shifter into the swivel and spread
the key ends.
If you have a problem, DO NOT FORCE
THE SHIFTER, this will damage the cable,
the shifter or the transmission. Simply
start at the beginning and carefully check
all your steps.
STEP 12. On GM vehicles, the neutral
safety/backup light switch is located on
Figure 2
Cable swivel (4
speed shown)
Cotter pin
GM lever
5/16 x 1" bolt and spacer
(Metric trans use M8 x 25 bolt)
GM cable bracket (Trimming of bracket
required if used on cast aluminum pan)
7/16" nut
Figure 3
Use these two holes for
TH-400 transmission. Use
other two holes for other
GM transmissions
GM cable bracket
Use with four
Use with three speed