Installation instructions hi-tek cooling system

bility against heat and wear, while
delivering the fastest possible shifts
available for a fluid change. You
literally "Pour in Performance." Avail-
able in plastic quart bottles and
comes as a synthetic.
The cooling system is comprised of a
plate-fin oil-to-air cooler. All channels
are turbulized. The inlet-outlet fittings
are 1/2" NPTF. The sensor fitting has
an M16x1.5 thread. Also included is a
12V DC suction fan. As a suction fan
the air is to be pulled through the oil
cooler. This should be verified upon
installation to ensure correct polarity
to the fan. To prevent fan motor dam-
age the maximum current draw should
be protected with an in-line 15A fuse
(see fig. 2). Furthermore, a bi-metal
temperature switch controls the fan
ON-OFF points:
ON is 80°C±3°C (176°F±5.4°F)
OFF is 60°C±3°C(140°F±5.4°F)
Check your parts list to make sure you
have all the parts to your cooler sys-
tem. If you do not have the parts listed,
contact your B&M dealer immediately.
Caution: The cooler must be installed
so that it is at least 1 inch away from
the radiator fan, 1/8 inch away from the
radiator, 2 inches away from the hood,
wheelwell or firewall and 6 inches away
from the exhaust manifold, pipe or
STEP 1. Decide on the best mounting
position for your cooler. Do not attach
the B&M Hi-Tek Cooling System to the
chassis or frame rails that may flex
during vehicle operation. This may
result in leaks or oil cooler failure.
Rubber isolation mounts are recom-
mended for long service life. Remove
the shipping covers from the fittings on
the cooler. Note: the cooler must be
properly postioned for proper function
of the temperature switch (see figure
1). Improper positioning of the cooler
switch may result in oil temperatures
that exceed the switch ON point with-
out activating the fan. Furthermore, if
the switch, itself, is located in an area
of heavy air flow, insulative material
may be required to prevent excessive
radiant cooling and improper switch
function as well.
Caution: to avoid damaging the oil cooler
and mating fittings use a back up wrench
when tighten hose fittings. Excessive
torque applied to the cooler without use
of a back-up wrench will create cracks
and leaks in the joints of the cooler.
Also, before installing fitting into the
1/2" cooler ports be certain to use an
anti-seize compound on the threads.
Installing aluminum fittings into the
cooler ports without anti-seize com-
pound will dameage the threads on the
cooler and the fittings.
This B&M Hi-Tek Cooling System is
designed to cool automatic transmis-
sion fluid or engine oil during sustained
high speed driving, pulling heavy loads,
mountain driving, racing and on RV
vehicles. The cooler will guard against
excessive overheating. This cooler kit
can be installed in a few hours by
carefully following these directions. A
minimum of mechanical ability and tools
are necessary for a successful installa-
tion. Read these instructions first to
familiarize yourself with the parts and
procedures. When installing your B&M
Hi-Tek Cooling System there are some
othe B&M products that you may wish
to consider:
1. B&M Transmission Tempera-
ture Gauge.(Part No. 80212) The
B&M Temperature Gauge is accu
rate and dependable, and an eco-
nomical safeguard against transmis
sion overheating, the leading cause
of automatic transmission failure.
2. B&M Deep Transmission Oil
Pans. B&M offers the most com-
plete line of deep pans. Deep pans
provide for 3 to 4 quarts of additional
oil capacity which significantly in
creases the amount of heat the oil
can remove. B&M offers pans in
both stamped chrome plated steel
and/or cast aluminum for most popul-
ar domestic transmissions.
3. B&M Trick Shift Fluid: A blend of
foam inhibiters, extreme pressure
agents and shift improvers give this
fluid the maximum protection capa-
Installation Instructions
Hi-Tek Cooling System
Part Numbers 70297 & 70298
© 2005, 2003, 2002 by B&M Racing and Performance Products