B&M 70235 TRANSPAK User Manual
Page 8
valves back into the bore. During reas-
sembly, you can smear grease on the
valve and spring before you insert them
into the bore to hold them in place while
you install the boost valve assembly.
To ease installation a thin blade screw-
driver can be used to hold the assem-
bly up into the bore while you install the
snap ring. Place the snap ring around
the screwdriver and slide it up into
place with the snap ring pliers. Be sure
the snap ring goes into the groove and
is not against the step in the bore.
STEP 11. Heavy Duty and Street;
Check ball placement (See Fig’s. 8,
8a and 8b.) Place check balls in the
valve body, auxiliary valve body and
case in the positions shown. Use a dab
of grease or petroleum jelly to hold
check balls in position. Beginning mid
1984 model year TH-700’s have a check
ball which is larger than the others in
the valve body position ‘A’. If your
transmission is equipped with this
check ball replace it in position ‘A’. If
your transmission does not have this
check ball then place nothing in posi-
tion ‘A’, pre mid 1984 transmissions
were not equipped with a check ball in
this position.
STEP 12. Place the new separator
plate gaskets on the separator plate
(See Fig. 9.) Use a dab of grease or
petroleum jelly to help hold the gas-
kets to the plate. The gasket with the
‘C’ cut in it goes next to the case and
the gasket with the ‘V’ cut in it goes
next to the valve body. Make sure no
holes in the separator plate are cov-
ered by the gasket.
If your gaskets become damaged
anytime during the installation of the
kit, replace them. If you cannot obtain
B&M replacement gaskets then pur-
chase OEM gaskets for your specific
year and model vehicle.
STEP 13. Heavy Duty Only; Place
the 3-4 accumulator pin in the case.
Over the pin place the RED (3/8") spacer
sleeve, accumulator piston and spring
(spring is installed at step 18.) Use a
dab of grease or petroleum jelly to hold
components in place (See Fig. 10)
Proceed to step 15.
STEP 14. Street Only; Place the 3-4
accumulator pin in the case. Over the
pin place the BLUE (3/4") spacer and
accumulator piston, using a dab of
grease or petroleum jelly to hold them
in place (See Fig. 11). Important
note: With piston and spacer installed
in bore rub a straight edge on the case
surface across the accumulator bore
and verify the piston does not extend
beyond the case surface. If the straight
edge contacts the accumulator piston,
grind or file a small amount from the
spacer until the piston clears the
straight edge. No spring is used for
Street level performance.
STEP 15. Heavy Duty Only; Remove
the spring and piston from the 1-2
accumulator housing (See Fig. 10.)
Install over the pin the YELLOW spacer,
piston (notice orientation) and spring.
Proceed to step 17.
STEP 16. Street Only; Remove the
spring and piston from the 1-2 accumu-
lator housing (See Fig. 12.) Install
both the BLUE and the RED spacers
over the pin, then the piston (notice
orientation.) No spring is used for
Street level performance.
Figure 10
Figure 11