B&M 70235 TRANSPAK User Manual
Page 10

firmly seated and locked.
STEP 22. Double check installation;
1: make sure all bolts are installed and
torqued. 2: Throttle valve linkage oper-
ates freely. 3: Wiring properly con-
nected. 4: Regulator valve retaining
ring fully seated in groove.
Coat the filter pickup tube seal with
clean ATF then push the filter tube into
the pump bore until it is fully seated.
Install filter retainer clip so it is located
at the small depression on the top side
of filter housing (See Fig. 2).
STEP 23. Remove any old pan gasket
material from pan and case pan rail.
Clean inside of pan with solvent. You
may want to install a B&M Drain plug
kit (80250) at this time. Install the new
pan gasket on the pan and align the
holes. Use grease or petroleum jelly to
help hold the gasket in place during
installation of pan. Do not use any
gasket sealer or silicone com-
pounds. To prevent premature band
failure make sure the hole shown in
Fig. 2 is not obstructed. Place pan up
to case, align holes and install all bolts
finger tight. Tighten bolts to 14 NM (10
Ft. Lb.) Do not over tighten bolts. If the
bolts are over tightened the gasket will
deform excessively and result in oil
STEP 24. Fill transmission with ATF
to the full mark on dip stick. You will
need about 4 to 6 quarts. Dexron II is
fine for Heavy Duty Level applica-
tions however, we recommend B&M
Trick Shift ATF for Street level appli-
cations. With vehicle still off the ground,
start the engine and shift transmission
through all gears. Check for leaks
around oil pan flange and drain plug.
Place selector in neutral and check the
fluid level. Stop engine and lower ve-
STEP 25. You must reset the TV
cable before operating vehicle, Fig-
ure 14 shows the correct proce-
dure. Failure to reset the TV cable
may result in poor shift quality and/
or transmission failure.
STEP 26. Test drive vehicle and re-
check for leaks while transmission is
hot. Check fluid level again, adjusting
level as required.
For best performance of your TH-700
we recommend changing both the ATF
and filter every 15,000 miles (25,000
km) if the vehicle is driven under one (or
more) of the following conditions:
A. High performance applications
where the vehicle is regularly driven
B. In heavy city traffic where the out-
side temperature regularly reaches
90 F (32 C) or higher.
C. In hilly or mountainous terrain.
D. Uses such as taxi, police car or
delivery service.
Pan gasket
Upper valve body gasket
Lower valve body gasket
Pressure regulator spring
Filter with seal
Retaining ring
Red accumulator spacer
Yellow accumulator spacer
(2) Blue accumulator spacer
Line bias valve blocker rod
3/32" drill
1/8" drill
Hydraulic jack
Jack stands or Wheel ramps
Oil drain pan
3/8" drive ratchet wrench
2" extension
8mm, 10mm, 13mm, Sockets
Torque wrench
Internal retaining ring pliers
Needle nose pliers
Gasket scraper
3/8" Drill motor
Fine cut flat file
Wet or Dry sand paper
Grease or petroleum jelly
Small punch or scribe
Small flat screwdriver
If you do not use the vehicle under any
of these conditions, change the ATF
and filter every 50,000 miles (80,000
km). It’s also a good idea to check the
torque converter bolts when servicing
the transmission.
Diagnosis procedure
If you experience a performance prob-
lem after installing the Transpak, it can
generally be traced to either an Im-
properly set TV Cable or a Mis-
installed component in the valve body
or pressure regulator. The following
procedure along with the trouble shoot-
ing guide will assist you to correct the
1. Check and correct ATF level.
2. Check TV Cable adjustment (See
Fig. 13).
3. If engine performance indicates
an engine tune up is required, this
should be completed before road
testing or transmission correction is
attempted. Poor engine performance
can sometimes be mistaken for
transmission problems.
4. Check and correct vacuum lines
and fittings.
5. Check and correct shifter linkage.
6. Install oil pressure gage and
check line pressures. Compare
pressures with appropriate values
from Figure 14.