B&M 10225 SHIFT IMPROVER KIT User Manual

Page 5

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Install the limit valve end plate and casting. The assembly
must sit flat against the valve body casting with thumb
pressure only. Grind the valve slightly, if necessary, to
provide clearance. Install three long screws finger tight only.

STEP 10. Install pressure regulator valve into its bore. (See
Fig. 10) Install converter valve into its bore. Both valves
should move freely and easily. Remove any burrs that may
cause stickiness or binding. Set casting aside.

STEP 11. Place transfer plate and separator plate
assembly in front of you. The thin metal separator plate will
be held on with four or five short screws. Note how your

stiffener plate is positioned. (See Fig. 11) Remove the
retaining screws and lift the separator plate off. If there is a
check ball or screen type filter in your transfer plate, discard
Wash the transfer plate in solvent or brake cleaner to
remove any dirt. Lay the transfer plate down on the bench
with the passages facing up. Lay B&M separator plate in
position on top of the transfer plate and align the screw
holes. Install stiffener plate and retaining screws and tighten
screws finger tight.

STEP 12. Lay casting in front of you and install steel Check
balls as follows: (See Fig. 7)

All Models:
Install one 11/32" diameter check ball in location 6.

Heavy Duty: Five ¼” steel balls in locations 1 thru 5

Street/Strip: Four ¼” steel balls in locations 1,2,3, & 5.

Align transfer plate assembly over casting and hold the two
halves together with your hand. Install fourteen screws in
place finger tight. (Note: Three long screws are for the filter.)
Install pressure regulator spring and converter valve spring
in place. (See Fig. 10) Insert pressure regulator adjusting
plate into place in retaining cage. Adjusting plate is a close
fit when properly installed inside the retainer. Engage
pressure regulator spring with adjusting plate and engage
converter valve spring with prong in retainer. Hold retainer
against valve body, align screw holes and install three short
screws finger tight. (See Fig. 4)

