B&M 10225 SHIFT IMPROVER KIT User Manual

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background image

Figure 1





This kit can be installed in a few hours
by carefully following directions. Read
all instructions first to familiarize
yourself with the parts and procedures.
Work slowly and do not force any
parts. Transmission components and
valves are precision fit parts. Burrs and
dirt are the number one enemies of an
automatic transmission. Cleanliness
is very important, so a clean work area
or bench is necessary. We suggest a
clean work bench top from which oil
can easily be cleaned or a large piece
of cardboard.

This kit contains all parts necessary to
obtain two levels of performance
depending on intended use:

Heavy Duty: Towing, campers, motor
homes, police, taxi, on and off-road
desert vehicles and 4-wheelers.

Street/Strip: Dual purpose
performance vehicles. Street and strip
high performance cars.

Automatic transmissions operate at
temperatures between 150° F and 250°
F. It is suggested that the vehicle be
allowed to cool for a few hours to avoid
burns from hot oil and parts. The vehicle
should be off the ground for ease of
installation. Jack stands, wheel ramps,
or a hoist will work fine. Make sure
vehicle is firmly supported!
Try to
raise it 1-2 feet so you have plenty of
room to work easily. Also, have a small
box or pan handy to put bolts in so they
won’t be lost, and a drain pan to catch

STEP 1. Drain oil pan. Some model
Torqueflites have drain plugs. If yours
has a drain plug, remove it and allow
the fluid to drain, then install drain plug
back into pan. If you do not have a drain
plug, you should consider installing a
B&M pan Drain Plug Kit, #80250, at
this time. To drain oil, remove each pan
bolt one at a time, working toward the
front of the transmission. Remove the
last two bolts slowly and the pan will tilt
down to allow the last of the fluid to

Figure 2

Band adjusting
screw and lock


Shift lever


pressure lever


pressure rod

Remove these levers
in order to remove
valve body

Shift Linkage Rod
Note: Floor shift style
shown. Column shift lever
comes from front of

drain. If the pan sticks to the old gasket, pry it down slightly with a screwdriver
before removing the last two bolts to break the seal. After the last bolt is removed
the pan can be lowered and set aside.

STEP 2. The valve body will now be exposed. (See Fig. 1) It is held in place by
ten ¼-20 bolts. Before the valve body can be removed you must disconnect shift
and throttle linkage. (See Fig. 2) Throttle linkage is located on the left (driver) side
of the case just above the valve body. The lever is attached to the throttle shaft

