Sony PCG-717 User Manual

Page 152

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background image

N'nv o-mall support sorvico 117
N'n\ tux-buck sorx’ico 117
Son\' \otebook Setup screen 101
S>n\' \otebook Setup utiliU' 25
Son\' c'tniine Support 16

acec-xs lex'c'ls 120
call instructions 119
Call SOS button 120

First Aid® '97


Oil Change''^' 118

phone number 118
Remote Command Security dia­
log box 120
soft'vvare 118

Sc'tS screen 120

Sonv Sales and Marketing Support 117
Son\ Ltilities99, 101, 106

See Sonv Online Support

speakers 5

built-in 5
external 60
switching 21
troubleshooting 124
\ olume 21

Start button 14, 101

Communication Center 65
computer 13

startup problems 14

displav 21
monitor 21

system save to disk mode 22, 39, J04
system standby mode 22, 38, 103
system suspend mode 21, 38, 104

technical specifications 117
technical support 16, 117, 118
touchpad 5, 23
Touchpad tab 102
troubleshooting 122

startup 14, 122

turnin'^ on

computer 13


ccannecting 57
display mode 110
interference 134

TV interference ill



computer 135


connecting 64
connector 8, 45, 64

ventilation 134
video cable 5
video camera 63
Video Out 8, 21,45
video standby mode 22
voice messages 78
VOL slider 94


warranty 16
weight saver 5

attaching 40
connecting 42

. removing 42


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