Ratings in canada – Sony KP-61V90 User Manual
Page 49
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TV-NR (Not Rated/Unrated) This is a
piogiam bioadcast without an\ latmg sticlt
as news news flashes oi spoits
Tlte T\'-NR lating IS shown as Umated in
the menu
About the extenders of Ü.S. TV ratings
T\'-Y7 TV-PG TV-HandTX'-MAiatings
ha\ e additional content latings called
extendeis' to define additional \ lewing
limits Tile extendeis aie defined as follows
D (sexually suggestive Dialog). Piogiams
containing suggestiv e dialog oi sexual
FV (Fantasy Violence) Piogiams containing
caitoon violence occniiing in T\' Y7
piogiams onl\
L (coaise Language) Piogiams containing
coal se language
S (Sexual situations) Piogiams containing
sexual content
V (Violence) Pi ogi ams containing \ lolence
Theie may be some piofanity v lolence oi
biief nuclit\ in these piogiams
Ratings in Canada
Sony's predetermined ratings
Tliese aie oiiginal latings that Son\
piedetei mined accoiding to the viewei's age
Each lating allows \ou to view theceitain
piogiams as follows
See the light column and page 4G foi a
desciiption of each lating
Child Suitable foi childien nnclei the age of
X'lewable Canadian English Language
latings C and G
X'lewable Canadian f lench Language
latings G
X'lewable U S TX'iatings T\'-Y T\'-G and
Youth. Suitable foi childien aged 8 and
X'lewable Canadian English Language
latings C G C8+and PG
X'lewable Canadian f lench Language
latings G and 8 ans+
X'lewable U S TX'iatings T\'-Y T\'-V7 T\'-
G TV-PG and T\'-NR
Young Adult Suitable foi childien aged 14
and oklei
X'lewable Canadian Lnghsli Language
latings C G C8+ PGandl4+
X'lewable Canadian f lench Language
latings G 8 ans-i- 13 ans+
X'lewableUS T\'latings TV-Y TV-Y7 T\'-
G TV-PG TV-14 anclT\'-NR
Canadian English Language ratings
The Canadian Enghsli Language Ratings aie
foi T\' piogiams in English bioadcast in
C (Piogratntning intended for childien
underage 8). Theie will be no lealistic
scenes of v lolence oi no offensiv e language
iiLidiu 01 sexual content Caieful attention is
paid to themes whidi could thi eaten
childien s sense of secuiity and well-being
G (General Audience). Will contain veiy
little V lolence eithei ph\ steal oi veibaloi
emotional Theie mas b\ some inoffensive
slang nopiofanitN and no nudiu
(continued I