While "toc" is lit or is flashing, Notes – Sony DHC-MD333 User Manual

Page 32

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background image

starting recording with € seconds
of prestored audio data



Insert a recordable MD.


Press FUNCTION repeatedly to

select the source (e.g., TUNER) you
want to record.


Press # REC.

The deck stands by for recording.


Start playing the source you want to



Press ENTER/YES on the remote at

the point you want to start

Recording of the source starts with the
6 seconds of audio data stored in the

buffer memory.
If you use an MD with tracks already
recorded on it, the MD deck

automatically locates the end of the
recorded portion and starts the new
recording from there.

While "TOC" is lit or is flashing

To ensure complete recording, do not move

the deck or pull out the mains lead. The deck
updates the Table of Contents (TOC) while
"TOC" is flashing.


• The MD recording is complete only after all the

recording information is entered to TOC at which
point TOC stops flashing and goes out. Be careful
not to disconnect the mains lead or move the deck
before this point. Before disconnecting the mains
lead, do the following:
- Remove the MD.

- Press I / (!) to turn off the system.

• The MD deck starts storing audio data when the

deck is in recording pause in step 3 and you start
playing the source. If you press ENTER/YES on
the remote within 6 seconds of this point then
Time Machine Recording starts with less than 6
seconds of audio data.

To stop Time Machine Recording

Press MD ■.