Fig. 1 fig. 2, Fig. 3 – Trail Tech KICKSTAND 5401-00 User Manual

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07-08 KAwASAKI KX250F/450F

07-09 KAwASAKI KLX450

09-12 KAwASAKI KX250F/450F

2011 Kawasaki KX450F Kickstand Installed

1. Remove stock foot-peg, foot-peg hardware, &

foot-peg hanger from frame.

2. Install provided Trail Tech foot-peg bracket, using

the OEM fasteners. (Use thread locking compound on

the pivot bolt to ensure it does not back out.)

3. Re install foot peg & foot-peg hardware following

manufacturers recommended installation procedure.

4. Remove the stock side panel fastener and insert

through the provided spring hanger tab. (Fig 2)

09-12 KAwASAKI KX250F/450F

Continued on other side >>

5. Re-install the side panel fastener, and tighten down

hand tight to start.

Note: Do not tighten down to manufacturers torque

specification until spring is hung. Failure to do so may

cause your spring to bind or break during use!
6. Hook spring into spring hanger mounting tab shown

in (Fig. 2)

7. Using safety glasses & a spring puller stretch the

spring and latch it onto the stand arm mounting point.

(Fig. 2)

8. Tighten sub-frame fastener to manufacturers torque


FIG. 1

FIG. 2



Trail Tech iNc. warraNTS Trail Tech KicKSTaND proDUcTS To be Free

From DeFecTS iN maTerial aND worKmaNShip UNDer Normal USe aND iF

properly iNSTalleD For a perioD oF Six moNThS From DaTe oF pUrchaSe.

iF FoUND To be DeFecTive aS meNTioNeD above, iT will be replaceD or

repaireD. ThiS Shall coNSTiTUTe The Sole remeDy oF The pUrchaSer

aND The Sole liabiliTy oF Trail Tech iNc. To The exTeNT permiTTeD by

law, The ForegoiNg iS exclUSive aND iN lieU oF all oTher warraNTieS or

repreSeNTaTioNS wheTher expreSSeD or implieD, iNclUDeD aNy limiTeD

warraNTy oF merchaNTabiliTy or FiTNeSS. iN No eveNT Shall Trail Tech

iNc. be liable For Special or coNSeqUeNTial DamageS.




Note: After every ride it is important to check your kickstand

thoroughly for the following:

• Loose or damaged bolts • Bent or damaged kickstand leg or

bracket • Damaged spring

Damaged or broken parts can result in serious injury! If any part of

your stand has become

damaged do not ride the machine! Contact a factory trained

technician or Trail Tech directly for service or repairs.

FIG. 3

This manual is related to the following products: