Supported features, Small network access point, Network access point in – Dell 4350 Network Access Point User Manual

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Does the Dell Wireless 4350 Small Network Access Point support wireless repeating?

Yes, you can use the Dell Wireless 4350 Small Network Access Point as a repeater to extend the coverage range beyond the
limits imposed by a single access point.


Open your web browser and log into your access point using it's IP address (for information on obtaining the Access Point's

IP address see

How to obtain the IP Address of the Access Point

). The Enter Network Password login prompt appears.


Type the following text in the user name and password fields: "admin".


Click Advanced Settings and then click Advanced Wireless from the drop-down menu.


Click the option Enable this AP as a Wireless Repeater.


Type the wireless network name (SSID) of the root AP in the SSID of root AP field.


Set the “Network Encryption” mode as None, If the root AP does not provide wireless security.


Set the “Network Encryption” mode as WEP, If the wireless security mode of the root AP is WEP. Then, set the proper key

value, key length, key format, and default key.

Click the Submit button.

The repeater AP must be located within the coverage of your root AP in order to associate with the root AP and extend it's
coverage. The repeater AP should not be connected into the wired network.

Does the Dell Wireless 4350 Small Network Access Point support multiple SSID's?

Yes, you can use the Dell Wireless 4350 Small Network Access Point to support multiple wireless networks on a single access
point. However, In order to support multiple SSID's, the Dell Wireless 4350 Small Network Access Point must be part of a VLAN-
aware network, as the VLAN aware router will control the network access of the multiple wireless networks.


Open your web browser and log into your access point using it's IP address (for information on obtaining the Access Point's

IP address see

How to obtain the IP Address of the Access Point

). The Enter Network Password login prompt appears.


Type the following text in the user name and password fields: "admin".


Click Advanced Settings and then click SSID Manager from the drop-down menu.


Click to select I'm on a VLAN aware network.


Click the Submit button.


A warning message appears informing the user that the network must be a VLAN aware network. Click OK.


Click the Add button in the SSID Manager Rules table.


A pop-up window is displayed to the user. Populate the following fields with the appropriate information (a) Network Name

(SSID) (b) VLAN ID (c) VLAN Priority (d) Hide my wireless Network (e) Enable Intra-AP traffic blocking and (f) Network Encryption.

Click Submit to save the settings for the new SSID.


Click Save & Restart to enable the new SSID.

Note: If the VLAN ID of an SSID is different from the default SSID, then wireless clients associated with this SSID network will not
be able to manage the Dell Wireless 4350 Small Network Access Point

Does the Dell Wireless 4350 Small Network Access Point support rogue AP detection?

Yes, you can use the Dell Wireless 4350 Small Network Access Point to support rogue AP detection.

There are three modes of operation for Rogue AP detection (a) Background scan (always-on), (b) Background scan (scheduled)
& (c) Foreground scan.

When the background scan is enabled, the access point will periodically scan the wireless channels if and only if certain load