Dell 4350 Network Access Point User Manual

Page 218

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Ethernet Settings

Refer to the left side of the screen for the following LAN Ethernet settings and the Internet protocol (IP) settings for the Dell Wireless
4350 Small Network Access Point:


Information Displayed


The IP address assigned to the Dell Wireless 4350 Small Network Access Point


The MAC address for the LAN (Ethernet) interface

AP Host Name

The host name for the Dell Wireless 4350 Small Network Access Point (the default is

Firmware Version

The version number of the firmware currently installed on the Dell Wireless 4350 Small
Network Access Point

Wireless Channel

The radio channel on which the Dell Wireless 4350 Small Network Access Point is
communicating on the air

Network Name

A unique network name that identifies the wireless network. It is also known as SSID
(Service Set Identifer). When a client station tries to connect to the access point, the
user must know the access point's SSID first.

The following buttons appear on the left navigation bar:




Releases the IP address that the Dell Wireless 4350 Small Network Access Point has
been assigned from your network's DHCP server. If the access point has been
configured to have a static IP address, clicking Release does not release this IP


Renews the IP address from your network's DHCP server. If the access point has been
configured to have a static IP address, clicking Renew does not renew the IP address.

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